Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

December 17, 2012

Faith and Peace

Process minded people have a relaxed knowing that everything is perfectly on track, on schedule and that our best interests are taken care of.

When you are working your process, you will have a confidence that even when things are not going right, that you are still on track. There is going to be adversity that comes against you in life, but you have to be able to overcome it. There are going to be all sorts of things that can distract you, but you must remain focused. You have to develop a plan, believe in your plan and then work your plan. You will always be making adjustments to your process plan, but you never quit working it. There are many, many people on the sidelines that had a plan, believed in their plan, but still gave up. Never give up once you have developed your process. You have the peace of mind that all is on schedule and your best interests are being taken care of each day. Have faith in your process. Do you have peace and faith in your process today?

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