Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

May 9, 2012

Finding Balance

We have either seen or been the person that walks into a room full of people seemingly having it all together. Others in the room think we are arrogant, but we know we are struggling to be accepted.

Insecurities are present in all of us. Some have overcome a lot of their issues and are doing much better now. However, many are still smothered under the weight of their insecurities. When that person walks into a room and acts like they are just find and have all their ducks in row, don’t be so quick to judge them. Why think someone is conceded when they do appear to have their life in order? It is because we have insecurities that change our perspective. We are thinking arrogance, they are thinking just want to be accepted. There is a balance that we need to reach. Don’t just assume that because someone seems to have their life in order that they are arrogant. Make them feel safe with you, make them see that they don’t have to act any certain way to be accepted. When we do this, we then can challenge them to grow and mature into the gift that they have been given

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