Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

May 19, 2011

Fruit Inspection

My grandmother used to have a fruit bowl on her kitchen table.  It looked good year round, never turning brown or getting mushy.  It looked good, ripe, and tasty all the time.

There was only one problem, it was fake fruit.  There was no health value to it.  Matter a fact, if you were to eat it, it would have hurt you.  So this is to say, what kind of fruit are we producing? Is the fruit you’re producing healthy or harmful to you and others?  Do you look good but in reality the looks are fake.  Is there any value and substance to you on the inside? I have been asking these questions to about my own fruit.  I know there was a time when my fruit was fake and harmful.  Nothing like having fruit inspection in your life though.  Inspect your fruit today; are you real or fake.  In my case, I think most folk knew I was fake.  I just hope now that folk know I am real.  I also hope that you are real as well.

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