Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

August 19, 2012

Got an Idea

You maybe in a situation today that you don’t see anyway out of, can’t figure out what to do, seems like it will never end. I got great news for you.

It may look bleak right now, but you are not lacking anything that will enable you to come out of this situation the winner. All you need is one idea. Not a million dollars, not a new spouse, different house, or a wireless mouse. (No more rhyming I promise). One idea can bring you out of this place and put you right where God is intending you to be. Take time to listen to the Holy Spirit, the voice of God, don’t do all the talking when you pray, but listen intently. You will get that idea that you desperately are needing today. Don’t think that all the great ideas are already come and gone. Remember we put man on the moon before we put wheels on luggage. I don’t know about you, but I am more about wheels on my luggage than a bag full of moon rocks. Focus on what you can do, what you do have and what you are to do with your gift and your talent. One idea can turn your life away overnight. Don’t worry another minute, stop doubting yourself, and get ready. Is this for you today? Are you needing one idea to change your life and the lives of those around you?

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