Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

November 16, 2014


Champions don’t succeed because they are great.

They succeed because they bring out the greatness in others. Bill Russell, who played for the Boston Celtics, often said his goal was to make his teammates better. Bill Russell is a Champion. A Champion will demand the best from those around them. Being relentless you will not tolerate anything less than your best. When you bring out the greatness in those around you, you will win. Your mindset is about what is best for the team, not necessarily what is best for you. Sometimes what is best for all may not be so good for you, but as a Champion that is okay. You have the ability to be the difference in people’s lives. If you are going to be a Champion, make sure that you are others minded. Bring out the greatness in those around you and you will succeed in life. Are you bringing out the greatness?

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