Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

June 8, 2012

Heart Check

From time to time we all need to have a heart check up. What shape is your heart in today?

Just like your physical heart is vital to your overall health; so is your spiritual heart. The heart is the key to the quality of your life. You have to keep your physical heart in good condition, same goes for your spiritual heart. I want to focus on the spiritual heart right now. Whatever is in your heart will come out. You may have said something and then wondered; “where did that come from?” It came from your heart. The Bible talks about; whatever is in your heart will come out your mouth. If you are angry, bitter, hurt, frustrated, feed up; that is what is going to come out of your heart. This is especially true when you are hit with something out of the blue or under pressure and stress. It is time today to have a spiritual heart checkup.  What is in your heart right now? No time like the present to do some conditioning to get your heart in shape. Remember, whatever you put in will eventually come out. Take time to inspect what is going in your heart. Are you putting in positive, faith filled substance or negative, fear filled substance?


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