Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

April 16, 2012

Here Comes the Judge

Be very careful before you go to judge someone. You have no idea what they are dealing with or going through. You see their behavior but not their heart.

We are so quick to judge others by their behavior. We see what they are doing externally but we have no idea what is going on internally. I know you don’t like being judged; so give the same consideration to others. We all have areas that need working on. Notice that we don’t judge someone when they have the same thing we do. However, if they are dealing with something that we have overcome or never had to deal with; we are quick to pull the judgement trigger. Take the time to pray for that person, not about them, but for them. Quite possibly you can ever pray with them. Don’t be all high and mighty; religious acting, but show compassion and understanding.  The way you give away grace and mercy will be the way you get it. Let God do the judging, we should be doing some healing, loving, helping. Be careful next time when you want to judge someone. You will get what you give.

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