December 19, 2022
In a Dark Place
We all go through things in life that we don’t understand.
The dark times in our life should be used as times to grow. We all go through tough seasons in life. It is in these tough, dark times that Champions grow and develop their skill. You have to make the decision to grow when in the dark place. That’s when your character is developed; that’s when you learn to trust, to persevere, when your mental toughness is strengthen. Take a new perspective about the dark times and discover the potential inside of you that you never knew you had as you learn about the plan for your life. As you develop your inner Champion you will have to go through the tough seasons. Learning and growing seems to come during these times. Not to say that you can’t learn during the good times. However, the lessons we learn during the dark days stay with us for the rest of our life. This is a time of being planted so that you can grow. Don’t look at it as being buried. It is time for you to grow and become the relentless Champion that you are. Are you in a dark time now?