Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

February 10, 2012

It's All Good

When we start seeing our limitations, disabilities, and challenges as our calling we will change our perspective.  Looking at things from a positive stand point rather than from a negative one.

We all have our stuff that we have to deal with in life.  When we take on those issues and see them as our destiny we will begin to see our purpose.  There are unfair circumstances that we have to deal with in our lives.  When we take them head on and stop complaining about them we will move closer to our destiny.  When we see these issues as being stepping stones and not our end then we will begin to help others.  We have not been given anything that we can’t handle.  God will never put something in our life that stops us.  He is showing us areas we need to grow and mature.  When we overcome our circumstances we are being an example for others that are facing their mountains too.  Don’t give up, quit or even complain.  Changing our perspective from negative to a positive we will see our life change.  Be a good, positive example today.  Be an overcomer today!

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