Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

October 18, 2012

Learned Behaviors

We are not born with insecurities. They are learned behaviors. What robbed you of your confidence?

The more I work with people the more I am seeing insecurities. The thing that gets me is that none of us were born with these issues. They are all learned during our life. We allow others to plant seeds of insecurity in our mind and it grows. Someone or some incident has stolen your confidence. It may only be in one area, but insecurity will grow, mutate and control your life. It is time to unlearn these behaviors and regain your confidence. Confidence is a major key in you discovering your purpose in life. When you allow insecurities to remain in your life, you will not live out your destiny. Insecurity will prevent you from stepping out in your purpose. Your purpose is bigger than you, but insecurity will make you small. There can be no small thinking. Today is your day to start making changes in your thinking. Start changing your thought process. Confidence is in you, its inside you. Are there learned behaviors that you need to change today?

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