November 2, 2024
Let It All Hang Out
How do you recognize a person that is hurting on the inside? How do you know if the person sitting next to you right now is going through a really tough situation? Chances are if you around folk today that most of them are hurting in some way. There is a chance, too, that it could be you.
It can be hard sometimes to know if someone is going through a valley type situation because we hide it so well. We don’t want other to know that we don’t have it all together. We try to keep it a secret and make others think that we are tough. If we tell someone about our hurts, disappointments and fears then they may think less of us. Trust me, when we tell them is not when they find out about it. Most times those that know us already know when we are hurting and they too know fears. Truthfully though, does it really matter if they didn’t know? What if we were to open ourselves up and expose our inner most parts? Is getting all the mess out worse than dealing with them and living with them every day? For me I thought it was better to keep it all in, but I have realized that it is much better to get it out. It is true that you have to be careful who you open up to, but find that person. Talk to your spouse, your parents, a teacher, a coach, a pastor. Find that one person you can talk to and be safe.