Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

May 15, 2011

Loving Life

Are you happy with your life? Can you honestly say, “I love my life.”  If so you are in a small group of people.  If you can’t then why not make today the day you start turning things around. 

There are people that absolutely hate their life.  That is a sad but true fact.  I listen to people talk about how they are so disappointed in where they are in their life. One thing holds true, wherever you are, that’s where you are.  If you are not happy in your life, then make today a day of change.  Take the time to find the root of the discontentment in yourself.  Don’t blame others or expect others to make your life better.  There has never been a person assigned to you to make you happy.  That responsibility is left up to you.  You have to look within yourself to find the areas that need changing.  It may be a change of perspective is all that is needed.  For the most part I believe it will be small changes. It may take a while, but if you never start, you will never get there.  Today can be landmark day in your life; the decision is yours.  

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