Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

July 13, 2011

Making Changes Today

Do you expect the best out of life or have you just settled in your mind; it will not get any better than this? Never settle for less than the best.

When we continue to have set backs in our life, we can get a mindset of ‘it will never get any better than this’.  “My best days were so long ago.  I might as well just get used to it cause nothing is ever going to change.” Mindsets and paradigms can be hard to change.  That is how the enemy to our life keeps us bound up and defeated.  When we begin to change ourselves and stop trying to change the circumstances and those around us; we will see the change we were looking for in the first place.  We all have mindset changes that we need to make today.  Begin to see yourself well, whole, complete.  See yourself coming out of debt, breaking bad habits, getting in shape.  See yourself the way you were meant to be and make that a goal in your everyday life.  Make small improvements every day and those will lead to major positive changes in your life.  Today can be your greatest day and tomorrow really can be even better.

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