Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

July 9, 2012

Mama Said

You are going to have some good days and some bad days, that is a given. When the good days come, enjoy them for the rest they bring you. When the bad days come, know that they will pass on by. You can have peace knowing that the bad times in life will not last forever. These seasons of your life can be valuable learning times. Don’t fear the bad times, don’t get bitter during these times, and don’t stay there. There life lessons that we will make us better people. When you resent the tough times and become bitter, you will never learn from those seasons. When you are knocked down, gather yourself, get back up, learn from what happen and then teach others how to avoid this situation. It’s not enough to just get up and then get going again, but be a teacher. Use this experience as a learning time for you and for other people. Are you dealing with a tough situation today? What can you learn and teach to encourage others in the same place?

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