Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

February 16, 2015

Mind Strong

You will never have a more powerful training tool than this; get your mind strong, so you body can follow.

Our thinking will determine if we change the way we act on the outside.  On the other hand, when we just go through the motions without changing the way we think, there will be no lasting change.  If you have been wanting and desiring to make changes in your life; start with your thought life. Our thought life will determine if we fail or succeed.  We have to get our mind right, and then the body will follow.  Change does take mental discipline; which a lot of folk today don’t seem to have, but you do.  You have the potential to be a world changer.  You have a sharp, strong, good mind that is disciplined.  Make up your mind to make up your mind.  Today you will take authority of your thought process and thought life. Today is your day to begin making the changes to take you to your destiny. Are you ready to have a strong mind?

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