Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

January 9, 2011

No Man Is an Island

01 09 11 Sunday

John Donne wrote, “No man is an island.”  How true this statement is in our lives.  It is a trick of the enemy to make you think you are all alone.  You are not alone in your life.

One of the major weapons of the enemy, and my enemy I mean Satan, is to isolate you from everyone.  If he can make you think you are all alone in your situation; he has you beat.  He will tell you that no one cares, no one understands, no one wants you around.  All of that is a lie.  You are not alone in your life, your destiny, or your situation.  There are folk in your life that will stand with you no matter what.  Never think you are on an island.  Never believe you are all alone and no one is there with you.  Open your eyes and look around, you will see the person God has placed in your life.  We were not created to be alone, we were created for one another.  Even though we hurt each other at times, relationships are still the most important thing in life.  So look around your island and you will realize that you are not alone.


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