Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

June 6, 2012

Nothing But the Truth Podcast/Blog

What is going on in your mind today? You hear many things, but what should you believe? Here is the answer…

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Believe the truth. Don’t believe anything else but the truth. Accept nothing else but the truth. “How do I know what is true?” The truth will be the hardest thing to believe most of the time. The truth is what God says about you. “How do I know what God says about me”? Go to His Word and you will see many awesome things He is saying about you. You are more than able. You are awesome. You are wonderful. You are valuable. You are useful. You have purpose. You have a destiny. There is a plan for your life and it’s a wonderful, exciting plan. Don’t for a second feel sorry for yourself. Never accept the invitation to a pity party. Never, never, never believe the lies of the enemy to your soul. Learn the truth, the whole truth and nothing else but the truth; so help you God. Today is a day of truth for you. No more listening and believing those lies about you. Get up, hold your head up, you are a winner, you a victorious person. God is going before you and making a way for you. Especially where and when there seems to be no way. Believe and trust in Him and His course for your life.

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