May 5, 2023
Odds Are
We all face situations where the odds are against us.
We don’t see how we could get well, how a relationship could be restored, how we could ever break an addiction. In our mind, it all seems impossible. It’s easy to just accept it and think, “This is my lot in life.” You may suffer a temporary setback, a disappointment or an unfair situation; but if you’ll keep moving forward, it won’t be permanent. What you’re facing may seem bigger, stronger and more powerful, but deep down, don’t be intimidated. Know that you have a Champion’s heart and mind. You have what it takes to be the difference maker in that situation. You are not a victim but rather a victor. You are stronger than you may realize. You have been created for this specific time and specific situation. Don’t ever back down or give up! Be unstoppable and relentless today! Take care of the situation and be a problem solver. Are you ready to face the situations in your life today?