Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

December 2, 2012

Passion for Greatness

The ability for greatness lives in all of us, and your passion is the trail that will lead you there.

You were born with greatness inside of you. It has to be developed however, and many people never do. How do you develop your greatness will be determined by your passion. You have something that you are passionate about in your life. Something that you love doing, something that you’re great at, and would do even if you had to pay to do it. You have to use your passion to develop the greatness that you were born with. Take time to determine what exactly it is you’re passion is today. What is your one thing? Then make a daily personal growth plan to develop your greatness. This is what you were created to do. This is why you are here. Don’t take it granted another day. You have an awesome purpose for your life. Your destiny depends on you developing your passion into greatness. Do you know what your passion is? Are you developing your passion into greatness?

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