Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

November 6, 2012

Points of Purpose

Turn the difficult, tough, unfair things happening to you times into “points of purpose.” Find your purpose and calling during these times.

For the most of us, we find our identity during the tough times. We find out what our purpose is when things are difficult. You will hear your calling when you find yourself in unfair situations. However, if you have a destiny perspective then these times become “points of purpose.” You will take the bad times and make them good times. Not so much because of what happened, but what you learn during that time. There may be some awful things taking place in your life right now, but take from it, don’t let it take from you. When life is coming at you and you don’t know what to do. Take a look at what can be learned. What about your purpose, calling, and identity can you learn. This is a time to get better; not bitter. Everyone will not do this. Some will complain, blame and give up when life is unfair. You are not one of these people. You are a victor; not a victim. You are better than this. You have worked too hard, too long, to give up now. This is your day, your time to overcome. Is there something going on in your life today that you can learn from?


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