September 10, 2022
A Champion intentionally creates situations to jack up the pressure even higher, challenging yourself to prove what you’re capable of.
We have talked in other blogs about how a Champion uses pressure like helium, to rise above those that pressure is like an anvil. With that being said, an unstoppable, relentless Champion will create pressure situations in order to rise to the top of their game. The only way to truly see what you are made of and what you are capable of is to perform at the highest level. What makes others give up and quit; is what takes a Champion to the very top. They don’t give the honor of being Champion to those that can’t handle the pressure. Honestly, a Champion isn’t usually one that can just handle the pressure. The Champion is the one who isn’t willing or wanting to, but does create the pressure. Control the pressure, control the situation. Pressure makes people make mistakes and get careless because they don’t like pressure. If you fear pressure then you won’t perform well. That’s why to be a Champion you have to welcome pressure, perform at your best under the most pressure, and then finally create the pressure. Are you creating pressure to take you to the top today?