Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

August 4, 2013


Use pressure to lift you up rather than push you down.

In sports, just as in life, we talk about how to deal with pressure. Pressure in the context of it pushing you down, being a weight on you, causing you to fail. However, there is a different aspect of pressure. Why not use pressure to lift you up? Like helium in a balloon. Take the pressure that is attempting to push you down and allow it push you higher. Pressure situations then will take you toward your goal. Use the pressure of the moment to cause the law of lift to come into affect. With this being the case pressure is your friend. If you are in a situation today and you start feeling that pressure that causes you to sweat, throat go dry, and nervousness, then take that pressure and use it to your benefit. Pressure you see can be your difference maker if you let it. Are you using pressure to your benefit?


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