August 10, 2022
One key to staying passionate about life is to simply stay productive.
You have to have a reason to get out of bed every morning. You have to keep your goals out in front of you. You may retire from the job, but don’t ever retire from life. You have to choose to keep your mind active, keep growing, keep learning and keep helping others. You have to find a way to stay productive. When you stop producing, you stop growing and thriving. God promises that if we’ll keep Him first place, He will give us a long, satisfied life. You may say, “How long is a long life?” Until you’re satisfied. If you quit producing at fifty and you’re satisfied, then the promise is fulfilled. I don’t know about you, but I’ve got too much in me to stop right now. I’m not satisfied. I’ve got dreams that haven’t come to pass. I’ve got motivational talks I haven’t given. I’ve got a family to enjoy. I’ve got grandchildren I haven’t seen yet.mToday, get a vision for your future. Get a vision for staying productive. Expect to be fulfilled, expect to live a satisfied life, and expect to embrace all the good things God has in store for you. Are you staying productive?