Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

June 16, 2024

Prop Me Up

Lord, prop me up on my leaning side.

When I was growing up we had a corn crib that leaned to the side. My grandfather took some wooden beams and propped it up. It was still leaning but it was steady and propped up. There are times in our life that we are leaning to one side. Circumstances in our marriage, finances, children, school, work, or family have caused us to lean. That is why I ask the Lord to prop me up on my leaning side. No matter how much you have been through God will still prop you up on your leaning side. You may have failure miserably in certain areas of your life, but don’t worry God is there to prop you up. We all have wounds inside and out, but don’t be discouraged, God will prop you up on your leaning side. There will times when you will be used as a prop for someone. Don’t be quick to judge and condemn others that are leaning, because we all have made or will make some insane decisions. So today I ask God to prop us up on our leaning side.

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