Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

November 21, 2012

Purpose Focus

Staying focused on your vision is a must if you are going to be your best and live in your purpose zone.

What is the vision for your life? Do you have a vivid mental picture of who you are, where you are going, and who are becoming? Do you see your purpose? Why are you here? These should be routine, easy questions that you answer with little effort. Once you have the answers you stay focused on them. They are your roadmap. They give you direction. To stay on track, to be your best and to stay in your purpose zone; you have to stay focused on the answers. Keep the answers in your mind all the time. Everyday, go over your purpose and what it takes to be your best. It is a process. A process that you have to focus on each day. Getting better each step. The picture of your purpose getting clearer each day. It is unfortunate that so few people will take the time to do this. Many want to, but won’t do. Take time today to answer the questions and start focusing on the answers. Do you have a clear focus on your purpose today?

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