Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

July 13, 2024

Showing Up

The ability to show up every day and do what no one else is willing to do, that comes from the Champion inside you.

Champions do what others only talk about. There are a lot of people today that want to, but are not willing to pay the price. That is what makes a Champion a Champion. I have never met anyone that didn’t want to be a Champion, but wouldn’t do the work. If you desire to bring out the Champion in you, then just be consistent in showing up each and every day. Then do the work that is required and do it with excellence. Someone who keeps showing up can’t be stopped. Being unstoppable isn’t easy, that’s why so few actually follow through. However, I encourage you to be relentless in your pursuit of being a Champion. You have what it takes. God created you to be a Champion, but it’s up to you to become a Champion. Nike has it right; ‘Just do it.’ Get going today. Get your process established and then work your plan. Are you ready to show up and get it done?

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