March 1, 2024
Everyone wants to cut back on stress, because stress kills. I say, NO, Stress is what brings you to life. Let it motivate you to win.
Stress is most people’s life is a pipe buster. Stress to the untrained person causes medical conditions that do harm to the mind and body. However, to a Champion, someone that is unstoppable, stress is a positive thing. A person that is relentless will take stress and use it to push them higher. To this person; stress produces diamonds. Stress looked at in the proper perspective is great. Really the only time stress is a negative factor is when you don’t know what you are doing. If you are unprepared to go; then stress is an anchor holding you back. Stress to a Champion, who is highly prepared is like helium, it takes you up and over. This is why being prepared is so vital. Take the time to invest in whatever it is you do. If you don’t you will not ever be at the top of your game. Stress will keep you average if not worse. Today is the day to begin preparing to be the Champion you were created to be. Stress will never be a negative word in your vocabulary ever again. Are you ready to make stress your catalyst today?