Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

July 7, 2012

Stretch Out

Don’t settle for where you are right now; stretch yourself to go to the next level right this minute.

You may be comfortable right where you are today, but it’s not where you are supposed to be.  Often times people settle for where they are in life rather than go through the effort of stretching toward their destiny.  You may have decided that you will never loss that weight, you don’t believe you can break that addiction, or get out of debt. There will be voices that tell you that you just have to life with or manage the negative aspects of your life. Never get comfortable in your mess. Take the time to prepare yourself for your destiny. Stretch yourself in areas that you have difficulties. Make yourself uncomfortable in your comfort zone and begin moving to a higher level in your life. God has an awesome plan for your life, but you have to make the effort to life it out. Take that class even though it doesn’t look like you will get the job. Start making a plan to loss the weight even though you think your metabolism won’t let you loss the weight. Start finding ways to cut back on spending so that you can get out of debt. Make the changes necessary to get out the settled and into the stretched. Do you have an area that you have settled in that you know you need to stretch in? Are you ready to stretch it out?


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