Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

June 9, 2011

The Small Things

The world and where you are right now is a better place because you are there. make a difference today!

You may feel inadequate or not good enough, but you are mistaken.  This world needs you right where you are, right now! You were born for this exact time.  “What can I do,” you may ask.  Good question; glad you asked.  You have a gift that if not used makes this world incomplete.  Those around you need you.  You may only hear the negative voices, but I am telling you that you are indeed important and significant.  Me and my family need you; just as your family needs you.  Your friends need you, there are complete strangers that need you as well.  Your smile could change someones life.  It’s not in the big things we find our destiny but doing the small things day in and day out.  Be consistent in your actions, thoughts, and words.  You are needed and you do make a difference I promise.  

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