Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

March 6, 2012

This One Thing

There was a time in my life when everything was falling apart.  My dad had died, my  family was in turmoil and I didn’t have a clue what to do or where to turn for help.

Then early one morning I was praying and I simply asked God this one question; “What can I stand on no matter what is going on in my life”?  I had to have an answer because everything I had believed in for my entire life I had seen fall and crumble.  I only wanted one thing, because at that time I could only handle one thing.  I begin to write things down such as; prayer, worship, tithing, praise, worship, but each time I felt a no, so I would cross out the answer.  I got up to leave where I was and said; “Well, God at least now I know there is nothing that I can depend on no matter what. I may not like it, but knowing that truth is all I wanted to know.” I was just about to walk out the door when down in my belly, right where you feel the pain, the struggle, the hurt the most; I heard this just as clear as day; “Scott, my love.”  No angelic choir busted out in song, no bells or whistles.  But I knew then that God’s love is always there.  It is always constant.  When nothing else is standing, nothing makes sense, no one is there for you; Jesus loves me.  From that day til now, when life seems unfair and all looks like it is about to fall in on me; I remember that one thing; Jesus loves me.  Now if He loves me that means that He loves you too.  Know that one thing.  Jesus loves you!

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