Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

March 3, 2011

We Are the Rats

“We are the rats, blind as bats, lost in the woods, wheres we ats.” That was our motto for the Rat Patrol.  A group of guys way back when. I thought of that the other day; so many of us are blind and lost.  

I hear people say they don’t know who they are.  They have lost themselves in life.  Some have allowed others to suck the life right out of them.  I see folk using others and leaving them empty with no identity.  They have no clue who they are anymore; if they really ever did.  You may not have this issue in your life, but I bet you are close to someone who does.  On the other hand, you may be saying that is me you’re talking about.  My heart goes out to someone that is in this place.  It is a dark, deep place to be in when you don’t really know who you are.  I want to encourage you today though. You do have an identity, a purpose and a destiny.  Start finding yourself today.  Find out the truth about who you are.  Leave that dark, desolate place behind and step into the real you. Will the real you please stand up.  It will take a little time to get out, you didn’t get here over night and you won’t be out in a day, but you will be making progress. Start today! Get to know the real you, because you are awesome! 

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