Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

August 10, 2012

What Did You Say

The words you speak everyday are powerful. The saying; ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,’ is not true.

If you really knew the power of your words, I believe you would be more careful what you said. The bible tells us that the power of our words leads to life and death. So many of our expressions are tied to death; ‘thrilled to death,’ ‘scared to death,’ are just a couple. When we speak words of death our soul our body put it into action. Notice today what you say, watch for words of death or defeat that you say. Speak words of life, words of encouragement. Think about what you are saying, do you really want that to happen? What is the truth about what you talking about? That is what you should be saying. Your words are so powerful, let’s be powerful in a good and positive way. Begin saying what you really do want to be. Speak to your destiny, your marriage, your children, your bank account, the doctor’s report. Don’t agree with the facts, agree with the truth. Truth trumps facts every time. Will you listen to what you are saying today? Will you speak truth and life filled words?

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