Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

April 12, 2012

Who Are They

There is someone in your life today that seems to be testing you. They test your patience, they test your love, they test your commitment to doing what is right no matter what.

You are already thinking about that person. Now, what to do with them. Many will tell you to let them go, cut them from your life. That may make perfect sense, but… There may be a specific reason that person is right in the middle of your thoughts today. They have been placed there for a reason. You have a job to do, a purpose and destiny to act on that involves them. More than likely they are in your life to sharpen you, to teach you, to shape you. You may have 100 reasons to drop them today, but it only takes 1 reason to hold on. You are to make a difference in their life, and they are to make a difference in your life. They are to help you become the person God intends you to be. Rather than looking for ways to get away from them; look for ways to fulfill your purpose with them. Learn the lessons they are supposed to teach you. Once that is complete, they may be removed or there may be such a change in both you that there is no need to remove them. Your still thinking about that person, but I hope now it is in a different light.

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