Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

December 11, 2013

You’re Not Average

If you don’t feel good about yourself, you tend not to perform well. Those who have a negative self-image find ways to self-destruct.

You are not ordinary. You didn’t come off an assembly line. You weren’t mass-produced. You are an original design. Nobody else in this world has your fingerprints. You are a masterpiece! It is so important to get this down in your spirit. When you do — and when you begin to see yourself as God created you — you will start to understand your real purpose and your God-given destiny. You will be able to reach your highest potential! Right now, you may not like who you are. You might wish you were taller, had a better personality or that your metabolism worked a little faster. Maybe you’re self-conscious about a physical attribute or perceived imperfection or you just don’t think that you are lovable. I want to encourage you. Right now, begin to change any negative opinions you have of yourself. Stop focusing on your flaws and comparing yourself to someone else. God has made you unique and special just the way you are. When you understand this, it brings new opportunities, new relationships and new levels of God’s blessing! Your value doesn’t come from what you look like, or what you do or who you know. Every morning, remind yourself that you are God’s creation. Declare, “I am not average. I am not ordinary. I have the fingerprints of God all over me. I am a masterpiece.”  God created everything about you on purpose…your looks, your skin color, your height, your personality, your talents and gifts. If you see yourself as strong, talented and valuable, then that’s the way other people will see you. But if you see yourself as “less than,” not talented and not valuable, then that’s the way others will see you. Choose to start loving yourself in a healthy way, being proud of the person God made you to be. It’s up to you to get in agreement with God and realize how much He loves you and how special He made you. What is your self-image?

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