Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: September 2011

September 10, 2011


Courage comes from trusting God. It can’t be mentally drummed up. It comes from believing what God says regardless of what the circumstances look like. Courage comes from faith!
Where does discouragement come from? From fear and unbelief. It comes when you listen to the devil’s lies about what God is not going to do for you.  You and I must shake off discouragement and rise up with courage! We must quit looking at our own abilities and failures and limitations and start looking to God. If you’ve been discouraged lately, stop listening to Satan’s lies.  Whenever someone tells you God is not going to deliver you, just tell them, “He’s already delivered me in the Name of Jesus.” 

September 9, 2011

A Pearl

A pearl must face irritants to become beautiful.  God also uses uncomfortable situations to mold and shape us into the beautiful person you are to become.

One of the ways that God shapes us is by allowing us to be in situations were we are uncomfortable.  This pressure brings to light impurities in our character; pride, selfishness, being critical and easily offended; that need to leave our lives so we can move forward in to our destiny.  Are you running from adversity, praying away hard situations and everyone that is difficult in your life? If so, it’s time for a fresh perspective.  God has a purpose behind every situation to shape you, mold you and bring you into your destiny.  If you will work with God through all situations.  God will make more out of your life than you ever dreamed.

September 8, 2011

Game of Chance

You may feel like you’ve blown your chances, but God is full of mercy. He knew every mistake you would ever make. He loves us anyways.

Do you have times when you feel like you have no more changes left to make something of your life? Do you feel sometimes like you are washed up and done? Have you made so many mistakes that you don’t think you will ever get it right? If you have, then know today that God is the God of second, third and one million chances.  You are not finished yet. God’s love and mercy will see you through the most difficult situations and get you back on track to your destiny.  You were born with purpose and that has not changed no matter what has taken place in your life.  Don’t give up today! Your greatest days are just ahead!

September 7, 2011

Here Come the Judge

Don’t let “church folk or religious folk” critical opinion, judgement or hurtful words stop you from living your destiny. Remember the Samaritan women at the well. The religious folk trashed her, but Jesus…

We all have our issues, no one is exempt.  There are two questions; how do you deal with your issues and how do you treat others with their issues? In the story of the Samaritan women, she had issues that everyone knew about, but Jesus saw the good in her.  Rather than be judge, jury and executioner today, why not offer a pardon.  

September 6, 2011


Are you facing a setback today? A closed door? Has someone you loved walked out of your life? 

Usually when difficult situations happen, our natural tendency is to become discouraged and question where is God.  But when you trust in God; you know He is in divine control of our life.  Just as God uses promotion, breakthroughs, encouragement, God uses disappointments, closed doors, betrayals, and persecution to move us toward His divine plan for our life.  God knows how to get you where you need to be.  When you understand everything in your life is divinely orchestrated, and God controls the universe, then you will begin to view adversity and unanswered prayers in a different way.  You will begin to see that things don’t happen to you, they happen for you.  God has a reason for everything happening in your life and has a plan for you.  You can trust God in all things. You won’t be disappointed!  

September 5, 2011

Expect the Unexpected

You may not understand why you’re going through rough times, but don’t worry Keep trusting God. He will bless you in unexpected ways.

When we hit the rough seas, tough times, difficult situations, or whatever name you give it, we may not know why we are experiencing it.  Just know that God was taken by surprise, He knows exactly where you are at and what you are going through.  Never doubt or lose your trust in Him, He will see you through it and you will be blessed as a result.  ‘Every cloud as a silver lining,’ is a true statement but only if you make it true.  Be sure you have the right perspective of the situation.  Know that there is a blessing in the storm. Keep your head up and your eyes focused on the purpose.  Learn from the situation you are in today.  Know that it will not last much longer. Today is your day to step into your blessing!

September 4, 2011

Waiting Game

Are you tired of waiting? Are you waiting for your spouse, your kids, your friends, your, your parents? But most of all, are you waiting on God? 

Seems like we all spend a lot of time waiting. Waiting on other people is not always a lot of fun. However, do you feel that you are waiting on God to show up in your life?  What we overlook sometimes is the fact that God is never late; He is always right on time.  More than likely, He is waiting on you to do the last thing He told you to do.  God will not abandon you. He won’t stand you up.  It may seem like He is not going to show up, but when He does; look out! While you are waiting on God, use that time wisely.  Strengthen yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually.  The Bible does say, those that wait on the Lord will renew their strength.  So use you waiting room time to get strong! God is on His way to your rescue today!

September 3, 2011

Destiny's Destination

Life is not about the ending, the destination, it’s about the way we live along to way.  

It’s easy to become so goal oriented and focused on our dreams and life’s big events that we overlook the simple things that we should be enjoying.  Don’t make the mistake of just living for the destination as your life goes by in a blur.  Life is short; we are here for a moment, then we are gone.  Make the most of your moments.  Take time to smell the roses and coffee.  Appreciate the people in your life.  Enjoy your spouse, your children, your parents, your friends.  As you make the decision to slow down and enjoy the journey, you will experience the fullness of what God has in store for you.  When you come to end of your life, you will have no regrets.  You will have made the most of your life and will finish your destiny with joy.  

September 2, 2011

Favor's Favorite

One definition of the word “favor” is an advantage for success. When you put God first, when you obey His commands, you open the door for His favor — you have the advantage for success! Even if someone may have wronged you and it looks like they have the upper hand, even if it looks like things are never going to change, you need to keep reminding yourself, “I have an advantage. God is in control of my destiny. He’s fighting my battles for me. He is my vindicator. And it’s just a matter of time before things change in my favor.”

I love the scripture in Hebrews that says, “Don’t cast away your confidence.” One translation says, “…for payday is coming.” In the difficult times, you have to remind yourself that payday is on its way. God is a faithful God. If you’ll keep doing the right thing, honoring Him and expecting His favor, God has promised He will pay you back. He will restore everything in your life that the enemy has stolen so you can live the abundant life He has promised to you!

September 1, 2011

Get Charged Up

I know there are people in pain. Many feel empty and used up, guilty because they feel they have nothing left to give. Be encouraged you are still full of purpose.

There are many people that feel like they have nothing left to give; they are empty.  It is time today to be refilled.  Be refilled with purpose, destiny, hope, and most of all love.  You have not exhausted all that you have in you.  There is more in life for you than you have experienced.  So if you are feeling empty and used up today; you can be refilled, recharged right now.  There is still an open plan for your life and goals for you to reach.  Your dreams are still alive and waiting.

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