Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

July 4, 2014

Happy 4th!!

Happy 4th of July to you!!

We celebrate a great day today. The freedom of our country. Most people would say that the United States is not in a good place all these years later. I think most would agree it’s because of our freedom. Our greatest strength can at the same time be our greatest weakness. This is true as a nation but also true in each of us individually. Our greatest gift/strength/talent can be our biggest weakness in life. So many talented and gifted people have fallen because of that very same attribute. Make sure today as we celebrate our freedom that you don’t let that very same freedom be your downfall. Place people in your life to keep you accountable. Don’t try to make it on your own. Each of us needs all of us. Happy 4th!!

April 25, 2014

The X Factor

There’s a popular talent show on television called “The X Factor.”

The judges study the different contestants and try to figure out who has that indefinable “something” that makes them stand out. You can’t necessarily put your finger on it. It’s not just talent, looks or personality. There’s something about them that gives them an advantage. I’ve heard the judges say, “I don’t know what it is, but you’ve got it.” They call it the “X Factor.” In the same way, when God created you, He put something in you to give you an advantage in this life. There is something about you that makes you stand out, something that draws opportunity, something that causes you to overcome obstacles, to accomplish dreams. You can’t put your finger on it. It’s not just your talent, your education, your hard work. It’s God’s gift in you. You have a special gift that is for you to share with the world. Use your gift today to be a difference maker in others lives. What is your God given gift?


April 18, 2013

What Are You Giving

Giving of your time, expertise, and resources without expecting anything in return is an unselfish act that makes the world a better place.

What are you devoted to in your life? Being devoted to something is simply being loyal by giving of your time, affection and resources. Many people today are devoted to certain restaurants, television programs and even their cell phones! There’s nothing wrong with any of that, but we have to examine our own hearts and see if we are being devoted to the people God has placed in our lives. Are we honoring others above ourselves? The world’s system says to “look out for number one—yourself,” but God’s system says “look out for others, and I will look out for you.” Today, as you examine your own heart and life, ask the Lord to show you ways that you can honor others. One way is by simply being faithful to your word. Be a person of integrity and honor. As you live your life devoted to one another and honoring others, you are actually honoring God. He will repay you for your kindness and reward you in this life and in eternity. What are you giving today?


January 27, 2013

No Comparing

More can be gained by focusing on those talents and gifts you know God has given you. Focus on what you have, don’t compare yourself to others.

Are you comfortable in your own skin? In other words, do you recognize yourself as the treasure God made you; or are you constantly looking for approval and comparing yourself to a neighbor, co-worker or friend? Do you try to out-dress them or out-perform them? Are you always looking for ways to one-up them? It’s time to let all of that go. Comparison is a distraction. Comparison is a thief. It steals your time, energy, focus and joy. You aren’t here to impress anybody; you don’t have to prove anything because you are God’s special workmanship. He created you with a purpose for a purpose. You are empowered and equipped to do everything He’s called you to do. If you will choose to stay free from a spirit of competition and just run your own race, not only will you enjoy your life more, but you’ll see your gifts and talents come out to the full. You’ll see His blessing and favor in a greater way, and you’ll move forward into the life of victory He has in store. What are you focusing on today?


June 24, 2012

Giver or Taker

Your number one greatest natural resource is people. Don’t use up people but give back to make the resource greater.

Oftentimes people look at other people from the perspective of what can they do for me. However, it is time that to look at others and say; what can I do for them. The people in your life were not put there for you to use.  God places people in your life for you to help. All you have to is give out of what you have; your gift. When you pour into others, then God will pour far more back into you. You then become like a fresh well or better yet; an overflowing well. When you have the mentality that all people want something; to what can I do meet their need; then God will meet your need. What difference does it really make what their thought process is? God has given to you so that you can give to others. What they think is their business. Sure, some will be ungrateful and expect you to give to them. There is a reason for that; poverty mentality that needs to be broken. However, when we expect them to be all thankful and humble; then maybe we are being prideful or selfish. We are to be givers without a motive or agenda. This can be a sensitive area for some, while for others it is a lifestyle. Do you have a freely give mentality? Can you give without expecting to get anything back from the other person? What are your motives and agenda concerning giving?

April 21, 2012

Elvis in All of Us

You are talented and gifted. Don’t doubt yourself and what you are capable of doing with your life.

I was watching Elvis; That’s the Way It Is, the other night with my daughter. She is an Elvis fanatic, along with her daddy. While we were watching it, I got to thinking. What would I be like if I was talented and gifted in writing/speaking/coaching as Elvis was in singing? Then it shifted to; how do I know I am not as talented and gifted? All of our gifts/talents come from God. So who is to say that we are all as talented as some of the great people that have lived. We have to learn to operate in our gift/talent area. We have to grow, mature and learn how to be the person that God intends on us being. You have greatness inside of you, just as I do. We have to set aside our fear and doubts to set out in that area. What steps do you need to take to bring out your inner greatness? What will you do today to begin the process of living out your purpose in life? There is awesomeness residing within you and me.


March 9, 2012

A New Level

God will never ask you to do something without putting His ability to do it on the inside of you.  

You may be at a place where you can easily become discouraged and give up on what God has placed in your heart. But the good news is that, God has spoken a promise over you that will not die.  You can try to ignore it, and your mind will try to convince you that it’s never going to happen.  But deep down, you’ll feel a burning, a restlessness, a fire. That’s the promise that God has put in you.  What God has spoken over your life will happen.  Some people look to others to fulfill their destiny but you have to realize you are the right person.  You don’t need anyone else to give birth to what God has placed in your heart. You are equipped. You are gifted. You are talented. You have what it takes.  The gift, the promise, is in you.  Now is the time for you to stir up what’s on the inside.  It’s time for you to rise to a new level and do something great for God.

February 12, 2012

Brand Spankin' New

You have a new spirit, a new walk, a new life! There may be “old” things in your life that you are trying to get rid of. Maybe you have old habits or addictions that you want to change. Remember today that the new has come. It’s a new year with new opportunities, and it’s time for you to be the new you. Let this be the year that you break old habits and addictions. Let this be the year that you move forward into a new life of victory. Let this be the year that you take hold of all the spiritual blessings the Lord has promised — peace, health, protection and victory.

Be encouraged today because no matter what is happening in your life right now, you have a chance for a new beginning. Choose today to leave the old behind — leave behind old behaviors, old thinking, and old words and embrace the new by faith because this is your year to experience the new life that He has prepared for you!

February 7, 2012

Searching For

People all around you today are searching for that something to make their life complete. Many never seem to find it. They spend their whole life frustrated and miserable searching in vain.

What is it that you are looking for today? We all have a reason and purpose for being here. God created us full of destiny.  Until you get in that zone of what you were put here to do; you will spend your life searching.  What is your purpose today? Why are you here today? Stop trying to do and become.  Become the person that God created you to be.  Begin today to develop yourself, your talent, your gift.   Start to develop yourself spiritually.  You will find that peace and contentment you are looking for when you start living out your destiny and purpose.  How far you go in life will be determined by the close friends you have and the books you read.  How are you doing so far? It’s never too late to start your adventure. Today is your day! 

January 30, 2012

Be a Giver

When you think you have nothing left to give; that’s when you really can start giving.  When you think you are at your wits end; that’s when you can really have some awesome ideas.

There are people all around you right now that need what you have.  It may be material goods or it may be an encouraging word.  When we think we can’t help others is when we can help the most.  When we get our minds off our own circumstances and help others become who they were created to be; then we will be blessed beyond our wildest dreams.  When we spend all our time trying to get for ourselves and ignore the needs of others we will spend our life frustrated and always wanting more.  To be fulfilled in your life use your talent/gift to see to the needs of others.  All your needs and then some will be met as a result.  The sayings; “What you sow you will reap,” and “What goes around comes around,” will be working on your behalf.  Be a giver today and see awesome results.  

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