Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: May 2011

May 1, 2011

Rise Above

No one can keep you from your destiny; no one except yourself that is.  So let’s not let what those that are against us, talk us into missing out on the most exciting time of our live.

I have found that most of the time when folk try to put you down and keep you there; it is because of their own insecurities.  They will never look at what you do good; they focus on the bad.  Don’t get distracted by these folk, they are destiny stealers.  When we get caught up in the criticism that comes from others, we are wasting energy and time.  Learn to overlook and ignore those words that are critical and untrue.  Focus on the truth and those that build you up and encourage you.  Destiny stealers are jealous and insecure.  They can’t go where God is taking you.  You are an eagle and we will have crows and chickens trying to bring you down to their level.  Don’t try to get even and pay them back, learn to rise above it all.  Don’t allow them to steal your joy and your focus.  You are a person of destiny and have an awesome future ahead of you.  You are more than good enough to do what you are here to do.  Relax and enjoy your life and see yourself the way God sees you.  You are valuable to us all.  We need and want you around.  

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