Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: May 2011

May 11, 2011

Thank You

As I write this they have opened up McFarland Blvd here in Tuscaloosa.  To ride through and see is beyond what I can say.  If you didn’t know exactly where you were, you would not be able to recognize the area.

I do not want to play with your emotions that is not me at all.  I am being as open, straight, and honest as I can be.  Guys, this is worse than anyone can still imagine. However, we stand together in all that has happened.  I have seen folk during things to help one another that makes me so proud.  There are people from south Alabama bringing up supplies; you guys are so awesome.  There are folk from other states still coming in to help out.  I just wanted to thank everyone that is doing something to help; thank you! If you don’t know what to do, do something.  That’s all we ask from you. Thank you all so much for your prayers! We are very thankful!

May 10, 2011

Til the End

I finished yesterday’s blog with the mention of Andre Crouch’s song Through It All, and that has been ringing in my mind for some time now.

The song is through it all, not through some it or sometimes, or part of it, but it says; through it all.  In the deepest meaning of that phrase it means; through it all.  Nothing else to add and nothing to take away.  God will be there from the beginning to the very end.  See, He is the Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the end.  Know that whatever it is you are dealing with and going through right now; you are not alone.  Also, you will come out of it; the storms of life will pass.  Don’t give up or quit, but see it through.  It’s not over until God says it’s over and He doesn’t say it’s over; until you win.  If you are down today; get back up.  You will make it through this and look back and know you are stronger, smarter and wiser because of it.  

May 9, 2011

Through It All

I saw on one news report out of Birmingham of a lady and her family that rode out the tornado in their bathtub.  There is much more about this we should all know.

She said they could see the tornado approaching their house.  As it got closer this mom and her kids got in a bathtub in their house.  She prayed for peace for her and her family while this storm raged all around them.  The tornado came right over this home and literally tore the roof off the house.  These people were able to look up straight into the eye of the tornado.  When asked what they saw and how it felt, she simply said; “Peaceful.” There was white clouds and stillness around them.  There was peace right in the midst of the storm.  God is showing His power during all that happened.  God is a God of peace and is demonstrating it now to us.  There are many more stories like this coming out now, but this one really stuck out to me.  The Anchor lady telling the story was all but preaching the peace of God.  As Andre Crouch sang, “Through it all,” God will walk it out with us.  

May 8, 2011

Why Stuff Happens

After a tornado, hurricane, earthquake and all types of natural disasters there are so many questions.  “Why did this or that happen”?  So many people immediately start getting churched up about it and blame God for what happened.

I am not about to begin to get in a spiritual debate about how and why certain things happen and why some people are affected and some aren’t.  However, I know that my God is a loving God and isn’t out killing and destroying things.  The Bible tells me that is the job description of the devil.  So why would we blame God? Like I said, I am not trying to debate or ruffle up anyone.  I sure don’t claim to know all the answers; I don’t know many answers at all, but I do trust in God.  He has seen me through too much, even when I did lose someone or something.  God was always there to comfort and give me the peace that I needed to make it through.  Through it all God has been more than enough for me.  Let’s just be careful what we say and think during our times of hurt and disappointment.  Continuing to pray for those affected by the tornado in Tuscaloosa/B’Ham area.

May 7, 2011

Together We Can

For those that don’t know, I write the blog you get each day weeks ahead of time now.  What you are reading today was written April 28th, the day after the devastating tornado came through Tuscaloosa.

As I watched the tornado come through I was in awe of the power of the storm.  It was moving so fast that it was gone before I really had a sense of what was happening.  Watching the actual funnel cloud and wall cloud was incredible.  Seeing the debris flying everywhere.  Knowing that people would be killed was even more devastating.  Then going down and seeing the damage first hand was even more shocking to me.  I grew up where hurricanes where more prevalent, not tornado’s.  What I saw on McFarland and 15th Street was not something I knew how to comprehend.  I really had nothing to compare it to.  People said war zone, but I have never been in a war zone.  I have seen the widespread damage of several hurricanes, but nothing like this before.  We had just been in the hit areas a couple of hours before.  I know that we will be fine and recover from this in time.  Those that have lost property and especially those that lost loved ones will need our prayers and support.  Thank you all for your comments and love you have shown. I ask that we always support and show love to others, not just in cases like this.  

May 6, 2011

Be a Blessing

It is so much better to be the person who offers a hand up instead of a hand out.  Be an encourager today to someone that needs encouraging.  It isn’t hard to find someone in need.

I saw the other day that a random person had paid for someone’s lunch.  It was a blessing out of nowhere. How often are we a blessing out of nowhere to someone?  It’s easy to be a blessing when we know the person, or know the payback will come to us, but what about just blessing to be a blessing.  When we give don’t look for that person to just turn around and give back to you.  Give to someone that can’t do a thing in the world for you.  God will honor what we do, when we do it for the right reason.  The world, according to the Bible, works on a seed and harvest principle.  Plant a seed and in time there will a harvest from it.  Plant good seeds, productive seeds, blessing seeds.  Choose today to be a blessing to someone. 

May 5, 2011

Be the Person

It’s easy to be someone’s friend when they’ve got it all together, when they’re walking in blessing and prosperity. Anybody can believe in people after they’re successful, after they graduate, after they’re promoted, after they get their big break. But, people need our support the most before they get their breakthrough. They need us to look past their faults and failures and see their potential.

Most times, people just need a little “push” of encouragement to keep them moving forward. We should always put ourselves in the other person’s shoes and see things from their perspective. You may have some good advice that could save them a lot of heartache and pain. Don’t keep it to yourself. Pick up the phone. Help them win. Maybe you excelled in a college course that they’re struggling in. Don’t sit back and think, “Too bad. They’ve got to learn it the hard way.” No, you are the hands and feet of Jesus. When you help others rise higher, you are fulfilling His mission. Today, share your love, support and encouragement. Invest life in others, see their potential, and together, you’ll rise higher into the blessing God has for you!

May 4, 2011

Don't You Give Up

Giving up is more about who you are than where you are. Everyone faces difficulty when working toward a dream. And if someone fails, he can make excuses for what went wrong, how the unexpected happened, how someone let him down, how circumstances worked against him.

But the reality is that the external things do not stop people. Those who achieve their dreams don’t have an easier path than those who do not. They just have a different internal attitude about the journey. The great artist Leonardo da Vinci once declared, “Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed on a star does not change his mind.” The one who achieves the dream sees the journey differently. Don’t give up, never, never, never give up. 

May 3, 2011

Make Up Your Mind

Change the way we act does not change the way we think. Change the way we think will change the way we act.  Our thinking process, mindsets, and paradigms will enable us to change. 

Our thinking will determine if we change the way we act on the outside.  On the other hand, when we just go through the motions without changing the way we think, there will be no lasting change.  If you have been wanting and desiring to make changes in your life; start with your thought life. Our thought life will determine if we fail or succeed.  We have to get our mind right, and then the body will follow.  Change does take mental discipline; which a lot of folk today don’t seem to have, but you do.  You have the potential to be a world changer.  You have a sharp, strong, good mind that is disciplined.  Make up your mind to make up your mind.  Today you will take authority of your thought process and thought life. Today is your day to begin making the changes to take you to your destiny.

May 2, 2011


I wanted to express to you the truth; “God loves you.” He really does love you and me.  All through the Bible we see the words beloved and behold.  Remember too, God told Moses that His name was ‘I AM.’  Be is a conjunction for the words I am. So when we see be in a word know that is God thing. 

I am guilty of reading the Bible and not really letting it sink into my mind and spirit, but not anymore.  When we get it in us that God does love us and care about us, His Word takes on a whole new meaning. Truth is, the Word of God is true whether we believe it or not and whether we read it or not.  Take time to check out what it has to say about you.  We will find all kinds of awesome truth in it.  One of the greatest truth’s we will discover is just how god does love and care about us.  Even though we don’t deserve it or care, He still does.  

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