Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: April 2012

April 2, 2012

Pushing Through

There are going to be days when everything you have planned for your life seems to be falling apart.  When everyone around you seems like are going against you. What do we do on those days?

I have had many days when it seemed like nothing was going right.  Then there are days when it seems like the whole world is against you.  It is during these days that we have to stand strong.  Know that God is still in control and still has a marvelous plan for your life.  There will be people all around that give up when they are faced with these days.  That is not your way of handling things.  Never entertain the thought of giving up.  When it looks the darkest is the time to know that your dream is the closest to happening. Embrace this time in your life as a time of testing and proving your purpose and destiny. This is not your end but the beginning of a great time for you.  You will see this through and be much better off than if you had not endured it.

April 1, 2012

Showing the Love

Never take the people in your life for granted.  The only way you will ever do this is to show them the love you desire in your life.  Love them despite it all.

There are people that will come into and then out of your life.  There are people that will be in your life for a long season. Whether for a day or for a lifetime, never take people for granted.  There is something that they can add to your life and you to theirs.  Never take for granted the people that God has placed in your life today.  There is only one way to do this; love them.  Give them the love that you desire in your life.  We all have an innate need to be loved.  Show others this love and you will receive that love too.  It may not come directly from that person, but that is okay too.  We don’t have the right to pick and choose who we love.  Love is the only thing that matters. No love, no peace.

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