Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: April 2012

April 12, 2012

Who Are They

There is someone in your life today that seems to be testing you. They test your patience, they test your love, they test your commitment to doing what is right no matter what.

You are already thinking about that person. Now, what to do with them. Many will tell you to let them go, cut them from your life. That may make perfect sense, but… There may be a specific reason that person is right in the middle of your thoughts today. They have been placed there for a reason. You have a job to do, a purpose and destiny to act on that involves them. More than likely they are in your life to sharpen you, to teach you, to shape you. You may have 100 reasons to drop them today, but it only takes 1 reason to hold on. You are to make a difference in their life, and they are to make a difference in your life. They are to help you become the person God intends you to be. Rather than looking for ways to get away from them; look for ways to fulfill your purpose with them. Learn the lessons they are supposed to teach you. Once that is complete, they may be removed or there may be such a change in both you that there is no need to remove them. Your still thinking about that person, but I hope now it is in a different light.

April 11, 2012

You Are Where You Are Blog/Podcast

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You are where are right now. You may not like where you are, but you have been strategically placed there.

You may not be where you thought you would be at in life. Where are you living may not be where you picked. Life may have been unfair to you and yet here you are. You may have been promised the moon but only got a rock. There are all kinds of reasons why you are where you are, but don’t be upset any longer. Know that you have been placed where are in a plan. There is a reason you are there or here. Take notice of those around you. There is a plan for you and those around you are part of that plan. You may not stay where you are very long. You will be there until you complete the plan.  Don’t complain another day about where you are. Make the best of the situation and know it’s all part of a master plan. You may not understand the whole plan. When we stop complaining and start looking for what we are to do here, then this part of the plan will become obvious to us.  Today make it your decision to see the plan for where you are and not all the other stuff. You are a vital part of a wonderful plan. Be prepared to see some awesome stuff soon!


April 10, 2012

He is More Than Enough

Everyone has times in life when they feel like they are going through the fire, so to speak, or they feel overwhelmed with everyday life.

If that’s you today, understand that God is going to bring you through those challenges. He’s going to bring you through the fire and the flood into a place of abundance and victory! We serve a God of more than enough, and His desire is to always make sure you have whatever you need to be successful and victorious in every area of your life. Remember that Jesus came so that we can have life—abundant life! He wants you to have an abundance of resources, an abundance of wisdom, an abundance of peace—everything you need. Open your heart and thank Him for His goodness. Begin to receive His promises by faith. Let your praise open the door for Him to move on your behalf so He can take you to a place of abundance in every area of your life!

April 9, 2012


Do you find yourself dealing with the same issues and problems again and again? Are you in the crazy cycle?

When you only deal with the branches and not the root; the problem will never be solved.  It is easy to just deal with the superficial, but when we get to the deep rooted part of the problem, then it gets difficult. Even though it is hard and difficult, the results are more than worth the work it takes.  When you see yourself in facing the same problems, then you have to go to the root.  What are you doing to cause this problem to reoccur? Why do we do the same things over and over; knowing we are going to get negative results. Those are just two questions you need to ask yourself to get to the root of the issue.  When we act in a negative way and get the negative results; then go to the root. There is a deep seeded reason that you are the way you are and you are who you are. Get to the root today and change your life forever!


April 8, 2012

Keeping the Peace

I’ve learned that some people are peace stealers. They feel like it’s their calling in life to aggravate you, try to make you look bad, and tell you what you can’t do.

They’ll try to bait you into an argument to get you upset, annoyed and frustrated. But don’t take the bait! Nothing is worth losing your peace over. They may think they’re getting the best of you, but in the end, God can use that to take you higher. When people come against you, choose to keep your peace. Choose to forgive. Pray for that person because that’s how you disarm the enemy against you. Your says your battle isn’t against flesh and blood. In others words, that person isn’t your enemy; the accuser—Satan—is your enemy. He’s trying to bring division and get you upset. But when you choose to keep peace, when you keep walking in love and keep a smile on your face, you are overcoming his tactics. That’s how you win. Choose peace, choose to walk in love, and choose the victory God has prepared for you!

April 7, 2012

Your Choice

There will be days when you wonder what else can go wrong? That is the time to turn it around and know that things will get better.

Its easy to find people to tell you that everything is going to get worse. You don’t have to look very hard to see and hear all the bad news you can handle. The economy may say one thing, the news may sound another thing, but your life does not have to follow. When you change your perspective and view of life then you will find out that your life can be different. Find out what plan God has for you. Even when things look the worse; that is when God is at His best.  Never lose hope or faith in God. His favor will turn your life around in spite of all that is going on around you.  The choice is really up to you. Are you satisfied with following what the world says you should do or do you want the life that God says He has for you? Going against the grain isn’t easy, but if it were then everyone would be living it. Go with God and follow His plan for your life and you will never be bored of unsatisfied  with your life again.  The choice is all yours.

April 6, 2012

What a Day

Are you living the life that you were created to live? Are you doing what you were created to do?

No person was created to live a boring, barely get by, never accomplishing anything type of life.  So why do so many people settle for less than the best? For many it is the fear of failure, success or the unknown. Fear is the main reason that we don’t set into our deepest destiny and purpose. We may blame it on the lack of money, time, knowledge or some other item.  Truth is, we are lacking anything that we need to live our destiny.  We were created with all we need.  We do have to grow and mature that seed that is inside us.  We do have to do our part, but when we move out and take that first step, God will meet us there.  There is nothing we can’t overcome, no addiction we can’t defeat, no mindset we can’t change.  There is nothing that can stop you; except for you.  Make the move today to walk into the fullness of life. This is the greatest time and day for you to be alive.



April 5, 2012

Dreams Alive

Think about the people God has placed in your life. They’re not there by accident. God brings people to you for a purpose. We should live with this awareness that, “I am here to add value to people. I am here to help them succeed.” Don’t go around always thinking, “I wonder what that person can do for me. I wonder what they have to offer.” No, we should have the attitude, “What can I do for them? How can I help them come up higher? Can I teach them something I know? Can I connect them with someone who can help them?” Don’t make the mistake of going through life ingrown. Instead, be a dream releaser. Use your talent, your influence and your experience, not just to accomplish your goals, but to help release a dream in someone else.

Remember, there is nothing more rewarding than to lay down at night knowing that you helped someone else become better. You not only fulfilled your purpose for that day, you did your best. It may have just been a two-minute phone call where you encouraged someone; but when you live as a dream releaser, you’ll see your own dreams come alive as well!

April 4, 2012


There are a lot of people who are successful in this world. They’ve accomplished their goals in the public eye. But being successful isn’t just about what you make happen for yourself, it’s about what you make happen for others. It’s when you realize, “God has blessed me not to just sit on my throne and let everybody see my accomplishments; God has blessed me to be a blessing to others. God has helped me to win so I can help somebody else win.” In other words, it’s when you realize, “God helped me overcome this addiction, now I’m going to go find somebody and help them overcome.” Or, “God has blessed me with a happy family. I’m going to go find a family that’s struggling and help them get back on track.” That’s what being successful is really all about.

Look for ways to help others succeed. Reach back and give freely of the talents and abilities you’ve been given. As you do, you’ll rise up higher and live in the fullness of the blessing God has prepared for you!


April 3, 2012

Fear, Worry and Doubt

Today, many people are controlled by fear, worry and doubt. It is a way of life for so many. They have grown accustomed to having them present in their life.

You were not designed to have fear, worry, and doubt in your life.  Your mind and your physical body don’t know how to deal with these things and it will not hold up under them for very long.  When you have fear, worry, and doubt controlling your life and your decisions; you will not live a productive life.  In reality, you are saying that you don’t trust God to take care of you and see you through life’s tough seasons.  There will always be an opportunity to give into these emotions, but you have to stand against them. Work at it each day and develop the mental toughness that it will take to stand them down. Have the God confidence that will see you overcome them.  All through the Bible you will see; ‘Fear not, Don’t be afraid, and Fret not.’  This is telling us that we don’t have to lead by these negative and harmful elements.  You can have make this change and when you do; you will see incredible results in your life. Make the decision to be lead by truth and not fear, worry or doubt.


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