Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: May 2012

May 14, 2012

Time Keeps on Slippin

Time is the most valuable commodity that we have in life. It’s more valuable than money. You can make more money, but you can’t make more time.

When you woke up this morning, God gave you a present called “today.” And with that gift comes a responsibility. The Scripture tells us to redeem the time, to make the most of every opportunity. That simply means don’t let it go to waste. Don’t live this day unfocused, unhappy, negative or defeated. Make the most of every day. God has entrusted you with His life. He has breathed His very breath into you. He has put gifts and talents on the inside of you. You have seeds of greatness deposited in you. You’re a person of destiny, and you have an assignment and a purpose to fulfill! I encourage you today to evaluate how you are spending your time. Refocus your life. Let go of any distractions. Shake off any self-pity, any discouragement, any disappointments of the past and run your race with purpose. Be careful how you live and redeem the time so that you can fulfill the destiny He has prepared for you.


May 13, 2012

Get in the Program

No matter what may be happening today, God has good things in store for your future! It may not be easy to see now, but God has already lined up a new beginning, new friendships and new opportunities for you.

Maybe you’ve experienced some setbacks, but don’t make the mistake of expecting the same for your future. Instead, accept God’s good plan for your life by declaring His truth. As believers, our attitude should be, “Even though the economy is down, I’m not worried. I know God is going before me, and He has promised He will make rivers in the desert.” Or, “The medical report may not look good, but I have another report that says God is restoring health unto me. I believe God has already released healing, health and victory in my future.” Or, you may have a child who is not on the right course. In the natural, it seems impossible. But our report should be, “I know God can do the impossible!” Be encouraged and don’t give up on your tomorrows. Accept the good plan God has for you — a plan filled with hope, purpose, blessing and increase in every area of your life!


May 12, 2012

Heart Talk

That feeling when doing the right thing rips your heart out and hands it to you. Learning the truth behind treat others the way I want to be treated.

There will come a time in your life when you know you have to do what is right, but it hurts.  When you have to stop enabling someone that you love and they look at you with those questioning eyes. When you have to cut ties with someone that consistently hurt you time and time again.  We all have or will have to face those people in those situations during our life. Remember that you will receive what you give. When you show mercy and grace by doing what is right, the same will come to you when you most need it. Although your heart may be breaking you must do what is right. Emotions may tell you to do one thing, but go with what is right. You will never have to question your decision when you do what is right.


May 11, 2012

Remove the Lid

Take the limits off your destiny today. Remove the lid that is holding you back from your best days.

There is a so much God intends for you, but if you put limits and keep the lid on your life; you will never experience His best for you. Many people never really live, they just exist. This is not the way God intends for you to be. He has a perfect plan for you. No matter what it looks like today, get out there and experience His plan for your life. There are no limits, no lid to hold you down. Throw off the old stuff, your negative past and step out into your purpose. You do have a reason for being born. You do have a destiny to fulfill. You certainly do have a purpose for your life. The enemy will try to talk you out of it, but don’t you listen. You will overcome that addiction, that sin, that disorder. Don’t let anyone tell you that; “you can’t,” because, “Yes, you can.” Make a stand today that you will never be the same as you were yesterday. Today and forever you will walk in your destiny.


May 10, 2012

Take Off the Coat of Unforgiveness

Take off the coat of unforgiveness today. Release all the harsh feelings toward others and towards yourself.

There have been libraries of books and blogs written about forgiveness. Yet it is one of the major issues in people’s lives today.  Holding unforgiveness in your heart will not hurt anyone but you. The person you need to forgive will not be affected. You are the one that is being poisoned while waiting for the other person to drop dead. They are living their life without a care, while you are frustrated, angry, mad and stressed out because of the unforgiveness you have boiling inside you. Release it today, release the poison today. Take off the coat of unforgiveness and never pick it back up again. Experience the freedom that comes from living forgiveness free. Become a giver of forgiveness. Give it away everyday and see your physical body react positively, your mind clear up and your spirit lifted.


May 9, 2012

Finding Balance

We have either seen or been the person that walks into a room full of people seemingly having it all together. Others in the room think we are arrogant, but we know we are struggling to be accepted.

Insecurities are present in all of us. Some have overcome a lot of their issues and are doing much better now. However, many are still smothered under the weight of their insecurities. When that person walks into a room and acts like they are just find and have all their ducks in row, don’t be so quick to judge them. Why think someone is conceded when they do appear to have their life in order? It is because we have insecurities that change our perspective. We are thinking arrogance, they are thinking just want to be accepted. There is a balance that we need to reach. Don’t just assume that because someone seems to have their life in order that they are arrogant. Make them feel safe with you, make them see that they don’t have to act any certain way to be accepted. When we do this, we then can challenge them to grow and mature into the gift that they have been given

May 8, 2012

Unconditional Love Podcast/Blog

I often hear people, and myself included, talk about the love of God. In all honestly though, there is no way we can ever explain what His love is all about.

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If we were capable of explaining God’s love then it would be limits on it. There are no limits to God’s love. God is love, not something He has, but it is part of His being. We can experience His love in many ways, but never be able to contain it all. I would not want to serve a God that I could contain or fully explain. It is so refreshing to be overwhelmed by His love for me.  I know that Jesus loves me, but I don’t know how He does it. I see His love for me through my wife and daughter in ways I could never explain. I always come back to; why does He love me, how can He love me? However, I am so glad He loves me.  I give Him so many reasons not to, but He just looks past my mess and sees me the way He created me to be. He loves me despite all my faults.  That is unconditional love in the fullest.

May 7, 2012

Guilt and Shame

Never let guilt and shame control your life. You will never get past your past when these rule your life.

We all have done things in our past that we are proud of.  Oftentimes when we have made bad choices; along comes the guilt and shame twins.  These feelings are from Satan and are sent to keep you from reaching your destiny. When you are under the weight of guilt and shame you will never rise to the level that God has intended for you. God will send conviction to let you know that you are drifting away from His plan. However, there is guilt and shame in conviction. Leave the weight of guilt and shame behind today. Do you best, along with the strength from God, to not back into the areas that once tormented you. Stay away from the places and people that try to keep you down. No matter what you have done in your past you still have an awesome destiny ahead. Your purpose is still intact and awaits you today. I for one know this, because I have spent time in guilt and shame for my wrong choices. Today though if I make a bad decision or sin, I quickly repent and get back on track. Thank God today for His conviction to keep us from losing our way.

May 6, 2012

Heavenly DHR

We serve a limitless God. He does desire to bless you. He does want you to be happy.

Remember that as a child of God, He wants to treat you as His child. Yes, there are times of discipline, just as there is with any child. However, there is also the times of blessing. If you have children of your own, do you not like to see your children happy? Even if you don’t have children, but plan to someday, don’t you want to bless them? Do you not want to see your children have the best? Then why do people think God would think any different or less about His children? We have bought in to religious traditions that say God wants us broke, busted, and just barely getting by, if even that much. Take the time to read the Bible yourself, don’t just take my word for the Word, but see what it says about what God desires for you. If God treated us like we say He does, then we may need to call the Heavenly DHR! Be blessed today! Enjoy the life God has provided for you.

May 5, 2012

Fast Forward

One thing I’ve learned is that God doesn’t always work on our timetable. In fact, He rarely does.
But in a single moment, God can change your life! All through the Bible, we see examples of how God was working behind the scenes and instantly turned things around for His people. The Bible tells us He is the same yesterday, today and forever which means He can instantly turn things around for you, too! You may be going through some difficulty today, but be encouraged because your times are in God’s hands. He wants to accelerate things in your favor. He wants to take you further than you dreamed possible and work in your life in ways beyond what you have ever imagined. Let this truth sink down into your heart today. Resist discouragement by speaking His Word over your future. Keep standing. Keep hoping; keep believing because He is working behind the scenes. He’s going to accelerate your times and lead you into the life of victory He has for you!

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