Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: February 2013

February 9, 2013

Success in Your Purpose

You cannot expect success to show up or to last without knowing your purpose in life.

If success did show up you would not recognize it without first knowing what your purpose is in your life. Before you look for success, start discovering your purpose. Find out why you are here. What is it that you have been created to do? What is it that you are good at? What just seems to come natural to you? Those are questions that will help you find your purpose. When you discover your purpose then success will follow. It probably won’t come immediately, but given time to work your process, it will come. Never stop living in your purpose zone. Stay there and you will make a difference in your life and others. When you are living out your purpose, the smallest things can seem exciting. Just going to be the mailbox can be the adventure of your life. Want success in your life, then find your purpose and live there. Have you found your true purpose in life?


February 8, 2013

Life Story

Did you know that God has already written out the story of your life?

He’s written out plans for your good, plans to prosper you, plans for peace. That doesn’t mean that you won’t go through negative situations. It means that God will use everything you go through to move you forward toward that good plan. When things happen that we don’t understand, it’s easy to think, “Why did this happen? Why did this friend betray me? Why did this company lay me off? Why didn’t I get that promotion?” But, you can’t let the things you don’t understand keep you stuck on the same page in the story of your life. You have to decide to turn the page so that you can see the victory waiting for you in the next chapter. If you are facing a difficulty today, know that God’s plan is to turn it around and use it for your good. The story of your life isn’t over! Keep moving forward, keep believing, keep hoping, keep forgiving because your days are written out for good, and it’s time to turn the page and see the blessing He has in store for your life! Do you know your life’s story today?


February 7, 2013

Good Job

Work is a prison sentence only if it holds no meaning for you. Choose a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life.

If you hate your job or dread going to work today, then you may have chosen the wrong line of work. When your job is in your gifted area, in your passion area, and it is what you are good at; then you will never ‘work’ another day in your life. I get more ‘joke’ remarks on this subject than most any other. That is because those people hate their job and don’t think they can do anything about it. Your destiny, your purpose, your calling all line up with your work. They may not all be exactly the same, but they work together. Life is both too long and too short to spend it doing something you hate. Before you go and quit your current job, do your prep, do your studying to be sure it’s not you that you are not happy with. If it is the job you hate then maybe today is the day you start looking for what it is you were created to do. You may have to stay where you are until you are prepared to make a change. Could be you have to go back and take some classes. May have to get some more training. There could be a number of things you have to do before you can make a change. I recommend reading some books on changing jobs; Quitter is one and 48 Days to Job You Love is another. Do just exist where you are, but begin to live. Find the place you are supposed to be. Are you working a prison sentence job today?


February 6, 2013

Finding Your Niche' on Roadmap to Your Destiny

February 6, 2013

Facing Your Tough Situations

It’s one thing to know that you’re going into a challenging season.

You get prepared for it. You get mentally ready. But what about the difficulties that we don’t see coming? The unexpected crisis that catches us off-guard? Sometimes, it can seem so overwhelming that it almost knocks the wind right out of us. The Bible says that we shouldn’t be surprised by tough situations. That’s because the forces of darkness would not be fighting against you if they didn’t know that God has something amazing in your future! Sometimes, those unexpected difficulties are just a sign that you’re on the right track. It’s always darkest just before the dawn appears. The enemy always fights the hardest when you are closest to your breakthrough. The key is to stay the course and keep fighting the good fight of faith. Keep your joy and keep declaring God’s Word over your future. God has promised that you will overcome every obstacle. You will defeat every enemy, and right now, I declare that you will fulfill your destiny in Jesus’ name. Are you ready to attack your tough situations today?


February 5, 2013

Facing Our Failures Blog/Podcast

Believe in yourself and don’t be afraid to fail. Your failures are typically the stepping stones to your greatest successes.

Click to listen to Podcast

A lot of the time when people make mistakes, they get down on themselves and think, “If only…” “I should have…” “What if…?” It’s easy to feel like you’ve missed the best plan for your life. That’s when people get discouraged and stop working their process. Understand today, just because you’ve made a mistake or failed in some way, that doesn’t cancel God’s plan. God never disqualifies you. He never says, “Go sit on the sidelines. You’ve blown it too many times. You’ve got too many weaknesses.” No, God always gives you another chance. Some of the great people in the Bible made very poor choices. The apostle Paul started off as a murderer, yet his destiny was bigger than his mistakes. He ended up becoming a great leader and writing over half of the New Testament. What am I saying? Our mistakes, our failures, our poor choices don’t have to keep us from our God-given destiny. With God, it’s not about the way you start in life, it’s about the way you finish. Receive His grace today and embrace the bright future He has in store for you. Keep working your process and do not give up. Are you facing failure today?


February 4, 2013

Keep Learning

Continual learning is the key to continual living. If you stop learning, you have effectively stopped living.

Too often, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut, doing the same thing the same way over and over every day. But if we are going to live at our absolute best, we should constantly be growing and sharpening our skills. We should strive to learn and grow every single day because when you stop learning, you stop growing. When you stop growing, you stop living. What are you doing to stretch yourself? What are you doing to improve your skills? Don’t get trapped into thinking that “good enough” is good enough. You were created for more than just average. Today is a new day, and there are new heights for you to climb. Pursue what you love and keep developing that area of your life. Take a class or find a mentor that will help you live skillfully. As you do, you’ll rise up higher and higher. You will stand before leaders and rulers, and you’ll live the blessed life God has in store for you! What new thing are you learning today?


February 3, 2013

Character Checkup

Character, integrity,relationships and responsibility are the pillars that allow your gift to shine. Without these your gift is not going to be lasting.

There is a familiar quote; ‘don’t let your gift take you where your character can’t keep you.’ I have been in this position before and it’s not a good place to be. You all have an awesome gift, but without character, integrity, relationships and being responsible, you are in danger of not being able to use your gift. It would be a shame for the rest of us not to be able to see you in your gifting because of character flaws. It happens all the time, but it doesn’t have to happen to you. Take the time to do a good check of your life. Be sure you are living with integrity. Look at your relationships. Are you spending time with people that are a positive influence? What are those closest to you pouring into your life? Also, are you taking the responsibility for your growth? Are you using your gift responsibly? All these will add up to either take you higher or pull you to the bottom. Do your life inventory today and be sure all is in line. Take your gift to the highest level. Live your destiny to the fullest! Is your character in check today?


February 2, 2013

No More Sitting

People’s talent allows them to stand out, but they allow their failures and mistakes make them sit down.

Are you down on yourself today because of past mistakes you’ve made or because you’re not where you want to be in life? God knows every poor choice, every difficulty, every wrong turn you may have made, and He’s already planned your comeback. Know today that failure is not final. God always has the final say. Mistakes don’t have to keep you from your destiny. God’s plan can override every setback. Your world may be in turmoil today in a relationship, in your finances or health. But know this: not only will God rescue you; He will set your feet on a rock and lead you to your final destination in life. Remember, the promise He placed on the inside of you didn’t go away because you had some personal failures. No, that failure is only temporary but His Word remains forever! Keep hoping, keep believing because He will move you into the blessing and victory He has prepared for you! Are you sitting down because of mistakes and failures in your past?


February 1, 2013

Be Your Best

Nothing is more scary than the thought of being mediocre. Always, always strive to be the best you can possibly be.

God has given you all power and authority to overcome every obstacle you may face in life. That means you are well able to do what you were called to do. You can accomplish your goals. You have the ideas, the creativity and the talent to be successful. You have been armed with strength for every situation! God has already lined up the right people to come across your path; He’s already lined up the right opportunities. You have everything you need to live a victorious life. Not an average life, not a barely-get-by, mediocre life — you were created to excel. You have greatness on the inside. You may not have seen it in the past, but if you’ll keep working your process, it’s just a matter of time — victory is on the way. Don’t settle where you are. Rise up in strength today. Are you ready to be your best today and every day?

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