Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: April 2013

April 11, 2013


One of the keys to seeing your dreams happen is to see them happening in your mind’s eye first.

One of the greatest baseball players of our time told me that all through the day he sees himself hitting the ball. Before he gets up to the plate, he visualizes getting on base. He has this picture of himself succeeding. It’s gotten deep down on the inside and now he’s moving toward it. Of course, it takes more than just visualization to see our dreams come to pass. It takes obedience; it takes prayer, and it has to be a part of God’s plan for our lives. But what I’m saying is that if you’ll keep the right pictures in your imagination, seeing yourself rising higher, seeing yourself healthy and whole, that’s going to get deep down on the inside and set the course for your life. When your mind is in agreement with God’s Word, it will help guide you toward your destiny. You will have a supernatural strength and power to see those dreams and desires come to pass in your life. Are you seeing your dreams happen today?

April 10, 2013


I hear people say, “Scott, I’ve just blown it so many times. I had this major mistake. I don’t see how I could ever get to where I’m supposed to be.”

But we have to realize — our mistakes aren’t that powerful. Our mistakes aren’t too big for God. He’s not up in the heavens shaking His head saying, “I never dreamed they would do that. They’ve ruined My plan.” No, God knew every mistake we would ever make. He knew every wrong turn, and He’s already prepared a new route. He already has your detour figured out. The Bible says that God knows the end from the beginning. If you’ve made some mistakes, the good news is that He has already planned a way to get you back on track. Just come to Him with an open and humble heart. Let Him wash you clean and make you new. Your mistakes aren’t bigger than God. He loves you and has a good plan in store for you. Are you ready to start fresh today?


April 9, 2013

Belief in Your Process

The single greatest difference between process, growing people and those who aren’t is the belief that they can learn, grow, and change.

Too often, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut, doing the same thing the same way over and over every day. But if we are going to live at our absolute best, we should constantly be growing and sharpening our skills. We should strive to learn and grow every single day because when you stop learning, you stop growing. When you stop growing, you stop living. What are you doing to stretch yourself? What are you doing to improve your skills? Don’t get trapped into thinking that “good enough” is good enough. You were created for more than just average. Today is a new day, and there are new heights for you to climb. Pursue what you love and keep developing that area of your life. Take a class or find a mentor that will help you live skillfully. As you do, you’ll rise up higher and higher. You will stand before leaders and rulers, and you’ll live the blessed life God has in store for you. Are you learning, growing and changing?


April 8, 2013

Haters Will Hate

If you’re going to do anything great in life, if you’re going to be a great businessperson, a great teacher, a great parent or a great leader, not everyone is going to cheer you on.

I’d love to tell you that your family, friends and co-workers will celebrate you, but that’s not the case. Some people simply can’t handle your success. As you grow and increase, as God pours out His favor, somebody will get jealous. Somebody will start finding fault. Don’t be surprised if a relative tries to belittle or discredit you. If you focus on making everyone around you happy, you’ll start changing and lose sight of what God has placed in your heart. Friend, your destiny is too great to be distracted by people who are never going to affirm you. Don’t take it personally. It’s not about you. It’s their problem. Shake it off, run your race, be great anyway. Greatness in the midst of criticism begins with forgiveness. Don’t hold a grudge. Bless those who curse you; pray for those who spitefully use you. As you keep doing what is right, God will honor you. He’ll promote you, and you’ll see the dreams and desires that He placed in your heart come to pass. Are you forgiving today?

April 7, 2013

Making Some Changes

The difference between where we are and where we want to be is created by the changes we are willing to make in our lives.

It’s easy to get stuck in the trap of thinking that if only your circumstances would just change, then life would be better. You might think, “If I got a new job, or a new house or had better friends, then I would really be happy.” But I’ve learned that often times, God changes us before He changes our circumstances. We are thinking, “If only my circumstances would change,” when God may be thinking, “If only your attitude would change!” Today, if you’ve been thinking, “If only,” it’s time to turn your thoughts around. Don’t allow negative thinking to direct your attitude or affect how you treat others. Instead, begin to thank God for what He has planned for you. Bloom where you are planted. Tend to what God has placed in your hand. If you will focus on what you have instead of focusing on what you don’t have, then God can bless you and multiply you and lead you forward into the destiny He has in store for you. Are you changing today?


April 6, 2013


Life has many intersections, opportunities to go up or down. At these intersections we make choices. Major decisions….

One major decision to make when you get to one of these intersections is; never give up; do something. Too many times, too many people give up. Just at the most important time in their life; they stop. Never give up. Not sure what to do at the intersection? Do something. Don’t ever give up. I believe in you. I know that you can do what you were created to do. You have what it takes. You can do it. Don’t let fear stop you, don’t let indecision paralyze you. Do something. You only got one shot at this thing, so make it count. Afraid you are going to make a mistake? Yeah, you will, but it’s okay. Make a mistake, many another mistake, but all the time learning from every failure and success. Learning what to do and what not to do. You are at an intersection today, make a decision and do something. I am counting on you. I know you got this. Now go to it! Are you ready to go?


April 5, 2013

Changing Labels

Throughout life, people are constantly sticking labels on you, telling you what you can and cannot become.

You have to remove the negative labels that can keep you from your destiny. People may label you as not good enough, too slow, too old, too many mistakes or wrong nationality, but God labels you strong, talented, valuable, a history maker, well able,  and more than good enough. As you remove the old labels–not believing or thinking about them anymore–the bondages that have held you back for years are going to be broken, and insecurity and inferiority are no longer going to have any effect on you. Today, begin to remove the old negative labels and replace them with the positive, correct labels. Don’t answer to the negative label name any longer, but answer to the truth, the correct and positive labels. What is your label saying?


April 4, 2013

Building Up Others

Improving others is the best way to show love.

Love always looks for a way to be constructive. In other words, love looks for ways to improve someone else’s life. Love brings out the best in other people. Don’t just get up in the morning thinking about yourself or how you can make your own life better. Think about how you can make someone else’s life better. Ask yourself, “Who can I encourage today?” “Who can I build up?” You have something to offer those around you that no one else can give. Someone in your life needs your encouragement. Someone in your life needs to know that you believe in them. I believe God will hold us responsible for the people He’s put in our lives. He’s counting on us to bring out the best in our family and friends. Are you improving the lives of those around you? Are you pouring confidence in them? Why don’t you ask the Lord to give you creative ways to bring out the best in others? As you sow into the lives of others, God will send people along your path that will build you up so that you can embrace every blessing He has in store for you. Who will you show some love to today?


April 3, 2013

Choose Wisely

Sometimes, in order to embrace the destiny God has in store, you have to be willing to make some changes in your life.

You have to be willing to examine where you are and what you need to move forward. This may mean that you need to change some friends that you’re spending time with. Maybe they were fine for a season in your life, but now you’ve outgrown them. This is a new season, and in order for you to rise higher, you have to break away from relationships that are limiting you. You have to develop some new relationships with people who are going to pull you up and inspire you to rise higher. And this doesn’t just mean separating yourself from people who are holding you back spiritually. I’ve found that if you’re the smartest one in your group, your group is too small. Find people who are smarter than you are, people who will challenge you to stretch to the next level and become everything God’s created you to be. Remember, he who walks with the wise becomes wise. Choose your friends wisely and don’t be deceived. Choose your friends wisely so you can walk and live in the destiny God has in store for you. Are your friends the friends God has chosen for you?


April 2, 2013

Let Go of It Blog/Podcast

It’s difficult to focus on your past mistakes and change in the now.

Click to listen to podcast

When we make mistakes in life, there are three main things that we need to do. Number one, ask for forgiveness. Number two, receive God’s mercy. And number three, move forward with your life. Let it go and press ahead. So many people today are still beating themselves down over something they did five years ago. They’ve asked God to forgive them a thousand times, but can’t let it go. They go around living depressed, defeated and feeling unworthy. If that’s you, realize today the price has already been paid. The first time you asked God to forgive you, He forgave you. Now you’ve got to receive God’s mercy and press ahead. That mistake did not change who you are to God. You may have made mistakes today, but still have God’s plan for your life intact. You are still the apple of God’s eye. You are still His most prized possession. God may not be pleased with every action, but He is pleased when you receive His forgiveness by faith. Are you still holding on to past mistakes rather than holding on to your destiny?

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