Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: January 2022

January 11, 2022

Getting Close

Whenever life gets difficult and it seems like the intensity has been turned up, that’s a sign you are closer to being a Champion.

When those lies are in your mind, when you’re tempted to get discouraged or feel like throwing in the towel, that’s not the time to back down. That’s the time to dig your heels in and put on a new attitude because you are closer to your victory. Maybe you’ve had a lot of things come against you. It seems like the more you try the worse it gets. You’re doing the right thing, but the wrong thing is happening. The easy thing is to say, “Forget it. I don’t have to put up with this.” “This marriage is never going to work.” “I’ll never be able to raise this child.” Or, “I don’t like this job.” No, instead of getting discouraged, instead of going around sour and bitter, you need to say, “I’ve come too far to stop now. I’ve been through too much to back down. I realize the reason the intensity has been turned up is because I’m about to experience my victory!” Keep standing, keep believing, keep hoping and stay strong even when the intensity gets turned up! How intense is your life today?

January 10, 2022

Your Level

Your strategy is to make everyone else get on your level; you’re not going down to theirs.

As a Champion you are always wanting to bring others up. However, there will be those that want you to come down to theirs. Not everyone will go to the next level. They will try to convince you to settle where they are at. This is not you though. You are unstoppable, there is no settling in you. A Champion never is complacent with where they are in life. You will help others to come up to your level though. As you are working in your purpose take time to bring others up to your level. A Champion never settles. Being unstoppable means you are always looking for ways to get better and to help those around you. Don’t allow those that don’t want to be the best discourage you from being your best. Being a Champion is a special thing. Don’t take it for granted ever. Everyone has the ability but so few go to that level. You are one that will go to that level and keep on going. Are you bringing others up to your level today?

January 9, 2022

Accomplish Your Goals

We all have goals that we want to accomplish and situations we’re believing will turn around.

But so often when it’s taking a long time, the negative thoughts come that say, “It’s never going to change.” “You’re never going to get well.” “You’re never going to get out of debt.” “That child is never going to straighten up.” If we’re not careful, we’ll get discouraged and end up just settling where we are. Many times, we miss out on the best because we gave up too soon. Just another few days of believing, another few weeks of doing the right thing, or another few months of standing strong. Don’t get discouraged. Your day is coming. When you’re tempted to get down and things are not going your way, you need to keep telling yourself, “This may be hard. It may be taking a long time, but I know I got this, and I’m going to keep believing, knowing that my day is on its way!” Never give up on yourself. You have Champion qualities inside you. Are you ready to accomplish your goals today?

January 8, 2022

The Dark Side

Truly relentless people–Champions–are unstoppable, with dark sides that refuse to be taught to be good.

When we talk about a Champion’s dark side, we don’t mean they are evil. But there is a side to every great person that I have ever known that could be described as their dark side. This is the side of them that you never see. This is the place that they go that no one else knows about. It is their greatness. That is what we mean by they refuse to be taught good. Not good and bad, but good and great. But to a Champion, good is bad because they are striving for greatness. To be the best isn’t good enough. They desire to be the greatest ever at what they do and who they are. So to be taught to be only good is not going to happen. They want to be taught to be relentless, unstoppable, a Champion. If you wonder if you are a Champion in the making, check and see if you are developing a dark side. Do you have a dark side today?

January 7, 2022

Taking Off Limits

You become unstoppable–by placing no limits on yourself.

I believe in having boundaries. I don’t believe in having limits. People put a lid on how high they can go in life. To be a Champion you have to take the limits, the lid off. You may have allowed other people in your past to put limits on you. Never allow others opinion of you to hold you down. You have greatness inside you, no matter your past. Overcome the mistakes of your past and go higher. There are many that place limits on themselves. Refresh and refocus your mind on your purpose and destiny. It is time for you to take your place in life. It is time that you start be the difference you were born to be. Remove the limits that have been placed on your life. You can rise to the highest level. You can be unstoppable. It is your decision to make. I encourage you today to be a Champion. Have you taken the limits off of your life today?

January 4, 2022

Your Prep

Repetition alone doesn’t bring rewards; it is the quality of preparation thats brings quality performance.

You can do something over and over again, but if you are doing it wrong, it will always be wrong. The quality of your repetitions is what will take you to the next level. Take the time to get it right. The only short cut is to get it right the first time and then keep repeating the process. Most people aren’t going to put in the time and hard work of quality preparation. They measure once and have to go look for another piece of wood when they cut wrong. Making sure your preparation is of the highest quality will assure that you don’t have to stop and go looking. Make sure there is excellence in all that you do. Being a Champion takes Champion-like preparation. No one said being unstoppable would be easy. It’s not easy, but worth the work that you put into become the best at what you do. Is your preparation of Championship quality?

January 3, 2022

Encourage Yourself

Some people are discouraged because they don’t know how to encourage themselves.

Don’t spend your life waiting for someone else to pick you up, encourage you and get you going. Be a self encourager. Learn to speak words of encouragement to yourself. Each day when you wake up, start the day by speaking positive, encouraging words to yourself. No one has to hear it, but you need to. You hear every word you say. You “hear” every thought you have too. Use your words and thoughts to help you in your daily life. As we get this new year started, let’s start it off right. Begin the new year by encouraging yourself. You will then see it spread to others. When you are encouraged you will be an example others will follow. Change your perspective and attitude about yourself, your family, your friends and see your complete life change for the better. Be a self encourager today. Are you speaking words of encouragement to yourself every day?


January 2, 2022


Don’t let your struggles become your identity.

We all go through seasons of difficulty and face storms in life. But during those times, we have to remember that God is greater than any struggle we face! He’ll take those challenges and use them to strengthen us, but we have to do our part and keep working our process toward the victory. Think about the caterpillar before it becomes a butterfly. When it’s wrapped in its cocoon on the backside of some tree, it doesn’t look like it has many options. But inside that cocoon as it becomes a butterfly, it doesn’t just sit and wait for someone to come and let it out. No, that butterfly knows that it has to make a move if it’s going to be set free to fly. In the same way, we have to do something to get out of the confining places we are in. We have to pray, we have to believe, and we have to press through to victory. No matter what you may be facing, remember His grace is sufficient for you. His strength is made perfect in you. He has given you everything you need to overcome in this life. Now is the time to break free and rise to new levels because He has victory and blessing prepared for you. Are you struggling today?

January 1, 2022

Grow in 2022

Have you ever seen a palm tree in the midst of a great storm?

That tree may be bent so far over that it’s almost touching the ground, but when the wind finally stops, that palm tree bounces right back up. What’s interesting is that while that palm tree is hunched over under the pressure of the storm, it is actually becoming stronger. See, the reason God said we’d flourish like a palm tree is because He knew there would be difficult times. He knew things would come against us to try to steal our joy and victory. But God said, “You’re going to be like a palm tree because when the storms of life blow, you are going to come right back up stronger than before.” As you reflect on the events over the last year, remember, the storms you have encountered have only made you stronger. You are wiser, you are more alive, and you are headed for victory. Your brightest days are right out in front of you! Always remember that with God on your side, nothing can hold you back. Are you ready to grow in 2022?

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