Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

Monthly Archives: November 2023

November 20, 2023

Courage to Dream

Courage is the difference between dreaming of the life you want and living the life of your dreams.

When you step up to the person who were created to be; it will take courage. If you have already taken this step; then you know exactly what I am talking about. You will be told you can’t do it, you’re crazy for trying, what are you doing and so on. I have been told more than once that I will never make it as a Sports Psychologist. Well I am doing quite well! Now, don’t let the negative folk stop you. Matter of fact you should get them out of hearing distance. There are some people that you can only love from a long way off. All negative people are in that group. When you step up to be a Champion, it will take all the courage you can muster. Negative people will not add to your courage tank. Champions are positive and are courageous. There is no one else on the planet that can do what you were put here to do; just like you can do it. That alone takes courage. Knowing that you are going to be the target of non-champions takes courage. However, you have the courage. You have the goods. You are a Champion. You are relentless. Go do what you do and let the rest go. Be that Champion you have dreamed about being. Are you showing courage today?

November 19, 2023

Tough Times

Every struggle, every challenge, every failure is meant to help show us who we are in this moment and how far we have to go to be a Champion.

Every thing in life happens for a reason. You may not like the reason at the time, but know that it all works in your favor. It’s all in your perspective. A Champion takes the worst of days to build the best of days. Being relentless and unstoppable requires you to take every day and make it your best. Some of the worse days of my life have been my best. As a Champion being your best at your lowest point is a necessity. There is no time for pity parties, blaming others or looking for a way out. Go through the tough times and learn. A Champion never stops learning, it’s a daily process. Take inventory of your life today. Where are you at in life? Are in a good season or a tough season? Know that every tough day is a good day. Be the Champion that you were created to be today. You ready to be a Champion?

November 18, 2023

Your Comeback

If you didn’t fail, you wouldn’t become the Champion you were created to be.
No one that has become a Champion has never failed. The failures that you go through are what teach you what being unstoppable is about. A Champion is the person that keeps getting back up when knocked down. When people are talking about how you aren’t any good and you don’t have what it takes; you simply get back up. When no one else is believing in you; you get back up. There is no quit in a Champion. There is no give up in you. When you come back from a failed experience, a lost game, you are proving them all wrong. Not because you need to prove yourself, but because you’re a Champion. Don’t let failure define you, but let coming back from the failure define you. Be the overcoming, relentless, unstoppable Champion that you are. Failure is never final but it’s a fresh start. Are you bouncing back from a failed experience today?

November 17, 2023

Allowing Control

Did you know that when you allow someone else’s words or actions to upset you, you’re allowing them to control you?
When you say, “You make me so mad,” you’re really just admitting that their actions have power over you. As long as that person knows they can push your buttons, as long as you keep responding the same way, you are giving them exactly what they want. Sure, people have a right to say and do things that are upsetting, but we also have a right to not get offended. We have a right to overlook their actions. It’s an honor for a man to keep “aloof” from strife. In other words, we have to remove ourselves, either physically or emotionally, from strife and offense. It’s not easy, but we can choose to let it roll off of us like water off a duck’s back! Remember, you don’t need everyone to agree with you all the time. You don’t have to have the approval of others in order to be the best. Your job is to be the person God made you to be. Overlook offenses and let go of strife so you can live in peace and victory all the days of your life. Are you being controlled today?

November 16, 2023

It’s All About

Champions don’t succeed because they are great.
They succeed because they bring out the greatness in others. Bill Russell, who played for the Boston Celtics, often said his goal was to make his teammates better. Bill Russell is a Champion. A Champion will demand the best from those around them. Being relentless you will not tolerate anything less than your best. When you bring out the greatness in those around you, you will win. Your mindset is about what is best for the team, not necessarily what is best for you. Sometimes what is best for all may not be so good for you, but as a Champion that is okay. You have the ability to be the difference in people’s lives. If you are going to be a Champion, make sure that you are others minded. Bring out the greatness in those around you and you will succeed in life. Are you bringing out the greatness?

November 15, 2023


Are there some tent stakes in your life that you need to pull up so you can press forward?

Maybe you’ve stopped in a temporary place, and it’s time to keep going. Maybe you’ve gotten comfortable and decided that your dreams are never going to happen. Your health is never going to improve. I’m asking you to pack up your tent, gather up your stuff and start moving forward. You may have taken a temporary delay, but that’s okay. That didn’t stop your destiny. Today can be your new beginning. There are greater victories in front of you! Remember, the first place we lose the battle is in our own thinking. If you don’t think you can be successful, then you never will be. If you don’t think you can overcome the past, meet the right person or accomplish your dreams, then you’ll get stuck right where you are. You’ve got to change your thinking. Get rid of a negative, defeated mentality. Make room in your thinking for the new thing you are supposed to do, pull up your stakes and move on. Are you ready to break camp?

November 14, 2023

In Your Life

What are you letting happen in your life?

In other words, what are you focusing your words, energy and thoughts on? You might say, “Oh, it’s just so hard right now. My finances are tight.” “My health doesn’t look good.” “Somebody walked out on me.” No, you’re focusing on the wrong things. You’re letting defeat, discouragement and self-pity rise up. Why don’t you turn that around and say, “Somebody may have walked out on me, but I know I am going to meet somebody better.” “I may be hurting right now, but I know my healing is coming.” “I may have an unexpected debt, but I know I will be debt free soon.” It’s time to get up and get moving in the right direction today. There is no setback that can keep you down. You were created for this time and place. Do what you do! Be the difference in the world! What are you doing today?

November 13, 2023

Your Struggles

The struggle, adversity, and victories are all part of the Champion’s process and we must embrace all of it.

I have never known a great person that has not been through some tough times. It’s not necessarily the adversity that makes you a Champion, the struggle exposes the greatness of a Champion. A Champion never tries to avoid the struggles and adverse situations. I have seen some that will embrace the tough times, but when success comes, they shrink away from it. Fear of success is not uncommon in many people. However as a Champion you have to embrace both the tough and good times. Be at your best at all times. Even your bad days can be good days when you learn from them. Be a learner all the time. Whatever the situation take what it is offering. A Champion must be aware what is the truth of the situation. Embrace the struggle, the adversity and the victories in life. Are you embracing them all?

November 12, 2023


Have you been facing a mountain for so long that you feel like you are just sort of stuck there?

Maybe at one time you knew you would break that addiction. You knew you would beat that sickness. You knew you would get married. But, you’ve gone through disappointments. It didn’t happen the way you thought. It’s time to move forward. There are new levels in front of you, new opportunities, new relationships, promotions, breakthroughs. But, you’ve got to stir up your fire. You’ve got to get a vision for victory. The dreams, the promises that you’ve pushed down and thought, “Oh, it’s not going to happen. I’m too old. I don’t have the connections. I don’t know the right people,” If you will start believing again, start dreaming again, start pursuing what is in your heart. Press past the mountain and move forward into victory. Are you believing in your dream today?

November 11, 2023


No matter how good you are, you will face disappointments.

It may be something simple like not getting a promotion you hoped for, or not closing a business deal you worked so hard on. Maybe you didn’t qualify for a house you really wanted, or maybe something more serious happened like a relationship not working out, the death of a loved one, or some kind of illness in your body. Whatever it may be, the reality is that we’re all going to suffer some setbacks. No matter what has happened, one of the main keys to overcoming disappointments is learning to let go of the past. If you feel “stuck” today, you may want to examine what you’re holding on to. Be willing let go of past disappointments by choosing forgiveness. Who hurt you? Who did you wrong? Release it. Do you need to forgive yourself? Do you need to receive forgiveness? Let go of the past so you can overcome disappointments and experience the your full purpose and destiny.There is freedom in forgetting! Have you forgiven and forgot it?

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