Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

November 14, 2013

Moving Forward

Your success is having the courage and tenacity to get past bad breaks, bad decisions, wrong moves.

Every person has had negative things spoken over them in the past. Maybe someone told you that you don’t have what it takes or that you’re not going to be successful. It’s almost like they cursed your future. But the good news is that the blessing of God is greater than any curse. If you’ll get rid of those negative strongholds and choose to believe what God says about you in His Word, you will begin to see a turning point in your life. Today, I speak blessings over you — that you are strong and courageous. You are full of talent, creativity, and wisdom. You can accomplish your God-given dreams. You walk in divine health. You have favor with every person you meet. Everything you touch is going to succeed. Those seeds of greatness on the inside of you are growing stronger and stronger. That hidden treasure is about to show itself and you’re going to come in to new seasons, You are who God says you are. You have what God says you have. I declare you can do everything God says you can do. Are ready to move forward in your life today?


November 9, 2013

Good Counsel

Are you facing an important decision today?

God wants to give you the answer. He wants to direct your steps. Many times, He will speak to us through the people He has placed in our lives. That’s why the Bible says that safety is found in a multitude of counselors. God designed us to live in families, communities and groups. We need to be open to receiving input from the people who are close to us. That doesn’t mean you have to follow everything everyone tells you, but if you’re in a particular situation or relationship, and all the people around you are giving you the same word of caution, it might be God trying to get a message to you. Take that advice and ask God about it. Ask Him to confirm His perfect plan to your heart. Remember, wisdom comes from God and wise counsel will always be in agreement with God’s Word. He will always confirm the answer when you ask Him. Whatever you are facing today, be open to receiving wise counsel. As you do, you will be blessed and protected and walk in confidence down the path the Lord has prepared for you. Are you listening to good counsel today?


October 1, 2013

Daily Decisions

Decisions you make right now can change your life forever. Literally forever.

No matter what decisions you may be facing today, God wants to enable you to make the right choices. The answer to every situation we face is addressed in God’s Word either directly or by principle. When God’s Word is the final authority in your life, His grace will empower you to live successfully. Today, I encourage you to put God’s Word first. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you study. Follow His commands and open the way for His grace to cover you. Let His grace empower you to dwell in safety and rest securely all the days of your life. No matter how large or small a decision may look, always use sound biblical principles. A small decision today may lead to a major outcome tomorrow. Never underestimate the significance of your day-to-day decisions. Are you ready to make the right decisions today?


June 1, 2013

Motivating Focus

Focus on your journey in life; you will not have time to think about mistakes. Keep looking to your motivating factors.

As long as you are trying you will make mistakes, there will be some failures along the way. However, don’t focus on those, but focus on what motivates you. Stay motivated by the positive factors in your life. Truth, even when we don’t like it, is positive. Let truth, then, be your motivating factor. I used to think, if I am operating in my gift, walking out my destiny and living with purpose that I would not make any more mistakes. That was a huge mistake! I had only begun to make mistakes, however, I had to keep focused on what was important. That what is who, people are important. I have hurt, disappointed and angered a lot of folk in my life, but at least now its not on purpose. I still make mistakes, fail and make bad choices. The difference now is the focus and the getting back up and trying again. Today is a great day in your life. You’re not alone in your life and stuff you are going through. We are all in this thing together. Make today a pivot day. Make the changes necessary to get your focus right. Are you focusing on your motivating factors?


May 18, 2013

Meeting Challenges

When you believe you are the master of your own destiny and able to meet challenges head on; then you are self-efficacious.

I know people who feel like they’ve wasted years of their lives because of poor choices. They spent years in a relationship that was toxic, years with an addiction, years at a job where they weren’t fulfilled. But you have to realize, nothing you have been through is ever wasted. Your past experiences, good and bad have deposited something on the inside of you. Those challenges have sharpened you to help make you who you are today. When the enemy brings hardship into your life, God has a way of taking that experience and turning it around for your advantage. You may think you’ve hit a dead end, but if you’ll stay in faith, you will see God begin to open up a new route. He’ll put the right people in your path, the right opportunities, the right circumstances to move you forward toward your God-given destiny. Today, don’t focus on what’s happened in your past, focus on what God will do in your future. He wants to restore your soul and revive your dreams. Keep believing, keep expecting, keep hoping because God has a new route for your future! Are you meeting challenges head on today and winning?


April 28, 2013

Decision of Love

Love doesn’t have anything to do with feelings. It has everything to do with the decisions we make.

Spiritual maturity isn’t measured by how long you’ve been a Christian, how much you know, or how often you go to church. Spiritual maturity is measured by the way you treat other people. It’s measured by the love you allow to operate through you. First Corinthians 13 tells us about the characteristics of love. One characteristic is that it is not rude. That means, when we are walking in love, we treat other people with courtesy and respect. Are you courteous to other people? Are you kind to the person at the checkout counter that may be moving too slowly for you? Are you gentle when you are driving down the highway and someone cuts you off? Are you patient with your family and coworkers? These are all ways we show love. The Bible also tells us that love is patient. It is kind. It does not envy; it is not proud. It is not rude. Love is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love never fails. Notice that these characteristics don’t have anything to do with feelings. That’s because love is a choice. You can choose to walk in love toward people even when you don’t feel like it. Today, make the choice to do what is right. Choose today to show kindness and be courteous to others. Look for ways to cultivate the greatest thing in your life — love! As you do, you’ll move forward into the life of blessing God has in store for you. Are your decisions based on love today?


April 6, 2013


Life has many intersections, opportunities to go up or down. At these intersections we make choices. Major decisions….

One major decision to make when you get to one of these intersections is; never give up; do something. Too many times, too many people give up. Just at the most important time in their life; they stop. Never give up. Not sure what to do at the intersection? Do something. Don’t ever give up. I believe in you. I know that you can do what you were created to do. You have what it takes. You can do it. Don’t let fear stop you, don’t let indecision paralyze you. Do something. You only got one shot at this thing, so make it count. Afraid you are going to make a mistake? Yeah, you will, but it’s okay. Make a mistake, many another mistake, but all the time learning from every failure and success. Learning what to do and what not to do. You are at an intersection today, make a decision and do something. I am counting on you. I know you got this. Now go to it! Are you ready to go?


March 18, 2013

I Got Stoned

Make a good choice with your life purpose and desires.
A woman stood beside a river, carrying a sack. Walking by her, a very hungry man asked it she had any food. “Yes,” she said and opened the sack. When she did, the man saw a precious stone inside and asked if could have the stone instead. “Certainly,” she said and easily gave it to him. He walk away, thinking, “I will never be hungry again. This stone is worth the kind of money that will allow me to eat for the rest of my life.” But then, he turned around and returned the stone to the woman. He said, “I do not want to the stone. I want is in you that enabled you to give me that stone.” Something to think about…

January 29, 2013

Destiny is a Choice Blog/Podcast

Your destiny is a choice, shake off bad decisions and keep going.

Click to listen to podcast

I know people who feel like they’ve wasted years of their lives because of poor choices. They spent years in a relationship that was toxic, years with an addiction, years at a job where they were miserable. You have to realize, nothing you have been through is ever wasted. Your past experiences, good and bad have deposited something on the inside of you. Those challenges have sharpened you to help make you who you are today. When the enemy brings adversity into your life, God has a way of taking that experience and turning it around for your advantage. You may think you’ve hit a dead end, but if you’ll stay in faith, you will see God begin to open up a new route. He’ll put the right people in your path, the right opportunities, the right circumstances to move you forward toward your God-given destiny. Today, don’t focus on what’s happened in your past, focus on what God will do in your future. He wants to restore your soul and revive your dreams. Keep believing, keep expecting, keep hoping because God has a new route for your future. Is your past keeping you from seeing your future?


April 7, 2012

Your Choice

There will be days when you wonder what else can go wrong? That is the time to turn it around and know that things will get better.

Its easy to find people to tell you that everything is going to get worse. You don’t have to look very hard to see and hear all the bad news you can handle. The economy may say one thing, the news may sound another thing, but your life does not have to follow. When you change your perspective and view of life then you will find out that your life can be different. Find out what plan God has for you. Even when things look the worse; that is when God is at His best.  Never lose hope or faith in God. His favor will turn your life around in spite of all that is going on around you.  The choice is really up to you. Are you satisfied with following what the world says you should do or do you want the life that God says He has for you? Going against the grain isn’t easy, but if it were then everyone would be living it. Go with God and follow His plan for your life and you will never be bored of unsatisfied  with your life again.  The choice is all yours.

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