Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

August 2, 2021

The Reason Why

When we have a big enough reason why, we can always find a way how.

Being unstoppable means you will find a way to get the job done. When the why is there, there is no stopping you. You have the discipline to do the work necessary. There is a tenacity about you that won’t let you quit. You don’t look to others to find a way how. When you have a goal, you devise a process and go do work. As a Champion when you set your mind to something, there is nothing or no one that make you stop. The only difference between a Champion and the rest of the world is all mental. People often think about being a Champion is so far out of their reach, but you have what it takes. Make sure your why is bigger than any doubt you make have in your mind. So make up your mind to being al you were created to be in life. It’s time to get off the sidelines and get in the game today. Your purpose in life is to make a difference. I am excited about your destiny. I know your why is big enough for you to find the how. Are you ready to find your how?

June 17, 2021

Could Be

People have a problem seeing what could be because they can only see what is.

January 6, 2021

It’s Time to Let Go

All your ambitions and secrets, your darkest dreams… they’re eating for you to just let go.

What is it you are holding on to that is keeping you from rising to the top? Fear of failure? Fear of success? Insecurities? What is it? Everything inside of you are telling you to let go of the negative strongholds in your life and be the best. Rise up where you are supposed to be today. It is your destiny to be your absolute best. Only you can stop you from being a Champion. Only your fears and insecurities will prevent you from reaching the top and then keeping on going. When you ambitions, secrets, and darkest dreams overcome the negative strongholds that are holding you back, you will then see your life in a completely different way. It doesn’t matter what it is you do; it does not matter. If it is what you were created to do; then today, let go of the fear and step up. Today is the day to begin the journey if you haven’t already. Let go of the negative and step into your destiny in life. Are you ready to begin your journey?

December 5, 2018

Your Past and Future

What’s happened in your past is not nearly as important as what is in your future.

Where you’re going is much more significant than where you’ve been. But if you stay focused on the past, you’ll get stuck where you are. This is the reason a lot of people don’t have joy or enthusiasm for life. They’re dragging around all of this negative baggage from the past. Somebody offended them last week, and they’ve got that stuffed in their resentment bag. Last month, they lost their temper and said some things they shouldn’t have. They’ve got that in their guilt and condemnation bag. Ten years ago, they lost a friend. They still don’t understand it. They’ve got that hurt and pain in their disappointment bag. They carry around their bag of regrets, all the things they wished they would have done differently. Life is too short to live that way. Learn to travel light. Every morning when you first get up, forgive the people that did you wrong the day before. Forgive your spouse for what they said. At the start of the day, let go of the disappointments, the setbacks from yesterday. Start every morning fresh and new. You were not designed to carry around all that baggage. Let it go and move forward. Are you ready to let go of the baggage?

June 19, 2018

Those Around You

Let go of those who bring you down and surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you.

When you’re working your process to be the best at what you do there will be people that will try to bring you down. They don’t want you to be successful because it makes them look bad. It’s the crab in the bucket cycle. When you put crabs in a bucket and one starts to climb out the others will pull the crab back down. These are the type people you want to avoid. However there are people that are working hard too. They will be bring the best out of you. These are the people that you want to surround yourself with. They will push you to work smarter and harder everyday. There more than likely won’t be as many of these type people around. So choose wisely when you choose your inner circle. Who are you surrounding yourself with today?

December 20, 2017

The Do Bee

Did you know that according to all the laws of aerodynamics, a bumblebee should not be able to fly?
Its wingspan is too small for the size of its body. It can’t get enough lift. But here’s the key: Nobody told the bumblebee. It didn’t get the memo. No experts were able to talk it out of flying. The bumblebee felt its wings on its sides and something in its DNA said, “I’m supposed to fly. I’m not made to just crawl around on the ground.” It didn’t read the latest engineering report. It just did what was natural and started flapping its wings and took off into the air. Have you ever had the experts tell you, “You’ll never get well; you’ll never get out of debt; you’ve gone as far as your education allows; this is as good as it gets”? With all due respect, the experts can be wrong. You are a Champion, no matter what anyone has told you. You have a destiny and a purpose filled life. You will do what you were created to do in the world. Are you listening to the so called “experts”?

December 15, 2017

Breaking Camp

Are there some tent stakes in your life that you need to pull up so you can press forward?

Maybe you’ve stopped in a temporary place, and it’s time to keep going. Maybe you’ve gotten comfortable and decided that your dreams are never going to happen. Your health is never going to improve. I’m asking you to pack up your tent, gather up your stuff and start moving forward. You may have taken a temporary delay, but that’s okay. That didn’t stop your destiny. Today can be your new beginning. There are greater victories in front of you! Remember, the first place we lose the battle is in our own thinking. If you don’t think you can be successful, then you never will be. If you don’t think you can overcome the past, meet the right person or accomplish your dreams, then you’ll get stuck right where you are. You’ve got to change your thinking. Get rid of a negative, defeated mentality. Make room in your thinking for the new thing you are supposed to do, pull up your stakes and move on. Are you ready to break camp?

September 2, 2017

Your How

When we have a big enough reason why, we can always find a way how.

Being unstoppable means you will find a way to get the job done. When the why is there, there is no stopping you. You have the discipline to do the work necessary. There is a tenacity about you that won’t let you quit. You don’t look to others to find a way how. When you have a goal, you devise a process and go do work. As a Champion when you set your mind to something, there is nothing or no one that make you stop. The only difference between a Champion and the rest of the world is all mental. People often think about being a Champion is so far out of their reach, but you have what it takes. Make sure your why is bigger than any doubt you make have in your mind. So make up your mind to being al you were created to be in life. It’s time to get off the sidelines and get in the game today. Your purpose in life is to make a difference. I am excited about your destiny. I know your why is big enough for you to find the how. Are you ready to find your how?

June 9, 2015

I Am!

Have you ever considered the power of the statement, “I am”?

What follows these two simple words will determine what kind of life you live. “I am blessed. I am strong. I am healthy.” Or, “I am slow. I am unattractive. I am stupid.” The “I am’s” that are coming out of your mouth will bring either success or failure. All through the day the power of “I am” is at work in our minds. Many times we use the power of “I am” against us. We don’t realize how it’s affecting our future. Here’s the principle. What follows the “I am” will always come looking for you. The good news is that you get to choose what follows the “I am.” When you go through the day saying, “I am unstoppable,” you become unstoppable. “I am talented.” Talent comes looking for you. You may not feel up to par but when you say, “I am healthy,” health starts heading your way. “I am strong.” Strength starts tracking you down. You’re inviting that into your life. Get up in the morning and invite good things into your life. Declare “I am relentless. I am strong. I am talented. I am disciplined. I am focused. I am a Champion.” And always make sure the truth follows “I am”! What is your I AM today?

April 7, 2015

It’s Time!

It’s time to be the difference in the lives of those around you.

To be a Champion it is your purpose to be the difference in the world. It may be that your world is one person. Be the difference! You may have been born for one moment in your life. However, you never know when that moment is going to occur. You have to be ready and prepared for when you’re called on. There are life changing moments that take place each day. When is your moment going to come? Will you have prepared and be ready? The opportunity of a lifetime has to be grasped during the lifetime of the opportunity. Don’t let your moment come and go with you not being in position ready to move. To be unstoppable you have to push through the resistance that will come against you. Being relentless means you don’t allow adversity to stop you from being in your place. You are a Champion, then be a Champion, be the difference. You have one assignment. Be the Difference!! I can’t express it enough for you to put aside the differences you have with people in order to be the difference with people. Are you ready?

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