Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

April 5, 2015


Some people think that loving their work means they won’t have to work hard, or that they won’t have frustrations.

No, those things are all a part of life. But ultimately, God can help you enjoy what you’re doing. When you’re in God’s will, there will be a joy inside you, you will feel a sense of accomplishment. When you’re serving in your purpose, you will be fulfilled and enjoy your life. You’ll live the best life that God intended for you — and He’ll take you places that you’ve never even dreamed of! You’ll experience the abundant life He has in store. Our deepest desire for you is that you discover and follow God’s perfect will — knowing your calling, so that one day you can look back and say, “This is why God put me here.” To be your best you must be willing to be who you were created to be. Are you working hard to be a Champion. Are you unstoppable today?

November 14, 2014

What’s Happening

What are you letting happen in your life?

In other words, what are you focusing your words, energy and thoughts on? You might say, “Oh, it’s just so hard right now. My finances are tight.” “My health doesn’t look good.” “Somebody walked out on me.” No, you’re focusing on the wrong things. You’re letting defeat, discouragement and self-pity rise up. Why don’t you turn that around and say, “Somebody may have walked out on me, but I know I am going to meet somebody better.” “I may be hurting right now, but I know my healing is coming.” “I may have an unexpected debt, but I know I will be debt free soon.” It’s time to get up and get moving in the right direction today. There is no setback that can keep you down. You were created for this time and place. Do what you do! Be the difference in the world! What are you doing today?

November 13, 2014

Breaking Camp

Are there some tent stakes in your life that you need to pull up so you can press forward?

Maybe you’ve stopped in a temporary place, and it’s time to keep going. Maybe you’ve gotten comfortable and decided that your dreams are never going to happen. Your health is never going to improve. I’m asking you to pack up your tent, gather up your stuff and start moving forward. You may have taken a temporary delay, but that’s okay. That didn’t stop your destiny. Today can be your new beginning. God is breathing new life into you. There are greater victories in front of you! Remember, the first place we lose the battle is in our own thinking. If you don’t think you can be successful, then you never will be. If you don’t think you can overcome the past, meet the right person or accomplish your dreams, then you’ll get stuck right where you are. You’ve got to change your thinking. Get rid of a negative, defeated mentality. Make room in your thinking for the new thing you are supposed to do, pull up your stakes and move on. Are you ready to break camp?

November 10, 2014

Never Settle

Too many people today have settled for “good enough.”

They’ve lost their passion and just sort of go through the motions of everyday life. At one time, they had a big dream. They were excited about the future, but they hit some bumps along the way. Something didn’t happen on their timetable. Now they’ve gotten discouraged, thinking that it’s never going to happen. They accept it as their lot in life. Don’t let that be you! Just because you haven’t seen it yet doesn’t mean that it’s not going to happen. Don’t make the mistake of settling for good enough! Good enough is not your destiny. You are a Champion. You have greatness on the inside. You were created to be excellent, Start believing again. Start dreaming again. Start pursuing what God put in your heart. Stir up the fire within you and don’t settle for good enough! Have you settled today?

October 15, 2014

No Accidents

God knew you before you were even born.

What an amazing thought! He saw your unformed substance and said, “I have a purpose for this life. I have good plans for them!” Then you were born through your mother and father. They may have had issues, but that doesn’t have to stop you from becoming all that God intended for you to be. You have been handpicked by God to be here at this time in history! Sometimes we hear parents say, “We weren’t expecting this child. They were a surprise. They were an accident.” No, that child may have been a surprise to the parents, but they weren’t a surprise to God. No child can be born without God breathing His life into them. You may think, “Well, I was unwanted. I was an unplanned pregnancy.” No, you wouldn’t be here if God didn’t give life to your seed. In God’s eyes, there is no such thing as being illegitimate. Remember, He knew you before you were ever born! Find confidence in His love knowing that you are a person of destiny, and you are part of His mighty plan. Do you feel like you were created for greatness?

October 1, 2014

Finding How

When we have a big enough reason why, we can always find a way how.

Being unstoppable means you will find a way to get the job done. When the why is there, there is no stopping you. You have the discipline to do the work necessary. There is a tenacity about you that won’t let you quit. You don’t look to others to find a way how. When you have a goal, you devise a process and go do work. As a Champion when you set your mind to something, there is nothing or no one that make you stop. The only difference between a Champion and the rest of the world is all mental. People often think about being a Champion is so far out of their reach, but you have what it takes. Make sure your why is bigger than any doubt you make have in your mind. So make up your mind to being al you were created to be in life. It’s time to get off the sidelines and get in the game today. Your purpose in life is to make a difference. I am excited about your destiny. I know your why is big enough for you to find the how. Are you ready to find your how?

June 20, 2014

The Right People

There are some people that God has placed in your life to help you reach your destiny.

They may not know you very well, but they may introduce you to someone or put in a good word for you with someone you need to be connected with. They may have wisdom or advice that will thrust you forward in life. We have to remember that these divine appointments have been orchestrated by the God of your destiny. Divine appointments aren’t always the people you would expect. In fact, oftentimes they are the people you don’t expect — a woman at the grocery store, an intern at the office, someone who may seem to be less influential. But, God can give anyone an idea. God can use anyone to make a connection. We should always be open to receive from others. We should always treat everyone we encounter with dignity, honor and respect. You never know who God is going to use in your life. So be open, be loving, be kind and sow good seeds that will open the doors to His divine appointments. Have you met anyone today?

June 11, 2014

The Real You

Only when you see yourself as you really are, can you begin to shape the person you were created to be.

Sometimes we have a hard time seeing ourselves the way we really are. Do you know the real you? Until you know the real you can you begin to become the person you were meant to be. You were created with a purpose, with a destiny. There is a specific reason for you having been born. Don’t let your life pass you by without fulfilling your purpose. You haven’t started living until you know who you are and why you are here. You were born with a gift that no one else can use just like you. Just as you have a unique DNA, you have a unique gift and a special way of doing things. No one can do what you do the way you do it. Don’t allow the enemy to stop you with doubt about yourself and your ability. Yeah you have had some down times, some bad loses, some not so good seasons in your life, but get back up and get moving again. Not sure what to do, Do Something. Once you get going forward again, you will find your groove. I am proud of you for not giving up! Are you ready to see the real you today?

June 2, 2014

Get in Agreement

In the Bible, God called Gideon a mighty man of fearless courage.

Now Gideon looked around and said, “God couldn’t be talking about me. I come from the poorest family. I’m the least one in my Father’s house.” Gideon saw himself as weak, defeated and not able. But God saw him as strong, confident and more than a conqueror. The question is: Are we going to believe what God says about us? Or are we going to believe what we feel, what we think, what the circumstances look like? You may feel weak today, but God calls you strong. You may feel like a victim, but God calls you a victor. You may be afraid, but God calls you confident. You may be in debt, but God calls you prosperous. You may be sick, but God calls you well. You may be addicted, but God calls you free. You may feel inadequate, but God calls you well able. Today, get into agreement with God. No matter what the circumstances look like, you’ve got to dig your heels in and say, “God, I agree with what You call me. I’m free, forgiven and healed!” How do you see yourself today?

June 1, 2014


Like most cars today, we have a navigation system.

I can program it to take me to a certain location. All along the way, the announcer will give me instructions, “Turn left in a quarter of a mile. Take this freeway three miles. Exit in one mile.” But sometimes I don’t follow the directions. I may miss a turn, stop to get gas or go another way. The announcer doesn’t come on and start yelling at me and say, “What in the world are you doing? I told you to turn left! You ruined my plan.” No, the moment I get off course that GPS system immediately starts recalculating another plan. Within a few seconds, it will give me new directions. It’s the same way with God. When you have a heart to please Him, you may miss an exit, you may make a wrong turn, but God has already recalculated another route. He’s still going to get you to where you’re supposed to be. Are you on track today?

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