Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

May 31, 2014

The Deep End

You were created to do business in deep waters.

In other words, we’re not supposed to have little dreams or little plans. We are supposed to have big dreams. We are supposed to go out into the deep things God has for us. But understand, when you’re out there in the deep waters, you can’t touch the ground. You can’t see the shoreline, and at times, it can get a little rocky. You may not always see how things are going to work out. That is when fear comes in and will attempt to stop you. If you are afraid, then do it afraid. If you feel like you are out in the deep today, if you feel like you are overwhelmed, remember, you are in the right place. You are right where you are supposed to be. Don’t go back to the shore, but keep on heading toward your destiny. Are you in the deep end today?

May 27, 2014

Keep On Standing

If you’ve been standing for the promises in your life, I want you to know today that your time is coming!

The dreams and desires in your heart, the things you want to accomplish, the situations you want to see changed will happen. Don’t give up just because it has taken a long time, or just because you’ve tried and failed. I encourage you today — get your fire back! Don’t be complacent about pursuing what is in your heart. It may be taking a long time, but don’t give up. No matter how long it’s been, no matter how impossible it looks, if you’ll stay in faith, your time is coming. Every dream that’s in your heart, every promise that has taken root. Declare today, “My time is coming…I will fulfill my destiny…I will fulfill the plan for my life!” As you declare, expect, and wait for the appointed time, your faith will grow. Your hope will grow. And you’ll step into the destiny God has in store for you! Are you still standing today?

May 10, 2014

Past is Past

It has been said, “Don’t let your past stop your destiny.”

In other words, don’t let the way somebody treated you, or what they did or didn’t give you keep you from pressing forward and becoming all that you were created to be.  The people who raised you may have had addictions, but that doesn’t have to be your future. You can be the one to break that negative cycle. Your parents may have had anger issues or never amounted to much, but you don’t have to keep letting that curse be passed from generation to generation. You can be the one to say, “No more. This is a new day! I may have had an unfair past, but I’m not going to have an unfair future. I know God put a blessing on me before anybody could put a curse, and I’m not going to let my heredity stop my destiny.” Are you ready to get past your past and into your destiny?


April 19, 2014

Your Future Now

No matter what is happening in your life today you have a reason to be excited about your future!

If things seem dark right now, know that the dawn will soon appear. The key is you have to remember that you are not here by accident. You have a purpose and destiny to fulfill, and you are not finished yet. Your best days are not behind you; your best days are out in front of you. Today, get your hopes up and get excited about your future. Never let anyone talk you out of your destiny. Just because they don’t have the discipline to walk out their destiny doesn’t mean you don’t. You have what it takes to be a difference maker today! Your destiny is up to you to fulfill. Get around people that build you up not tear you down. Take the time to develop your gift and be who you were created to be. Are you excited about your future today?


March 22, 2014

Big Contract

I had a man tell me a few weeks ago that he was really hoping to get this big contract.

He worked in heavy equipment sales. He went to meet the owner of this very large company. He walked into the meeting very nervous, very uptight. The owner smiled and said, “My wife said to tell you hello. You both went to high school together. She said she always liked you. She told me before I left the house, ‘You make sure you’re good to him.’ ” And he was. He gave him that contract. You don’t have to worry about your future. You don’t have to try to make things happen in your own strength. You can go through the day in peace because God knows exactly what you need. In your future, He has already lined up the right people, the right breaks, the good words you’re going to need down to the second, down to the exact moment. Like that woman, God will cause you to come in on cue. And if for some reason it doesn’t work out, don’t get all discouraged. Don’t get depressed. That just means that God has something better in store. It means He has a bigger opportunity in your future. He orders your steps, so keep your faith and trust in Him. Are you letting God direct your destiny and purpose?


February 27, 2014

Doing the Impossible

Inspire and motivate yourself to make the impossible possible.

So often, people limit themselves in their thinking. They don’t think they’ll ever accomplish their dreams. They start thinking they don’t have the talent, the connections or the money. They don’t think a marriage could ever be restored or they’ll ever get out of debt. But that kind of thinking comes from looking at things in the natural. That’s a limited perspective. We have to realize that you have what it takes to accomplish your destiny. And just because we don’t see a way doesn’t mean that there isn’t a way. God has a plan for your life and He will see it through. Today, I encourage you to take the limits off your thinking. See yourself in the light of who you really are. Don’t let others opinions and thoughts of you stop you from being who you have been called to be. You are no mistake or accident. Your past doesn’t stop your destiny. Be inspired and motivated today and everyday to make a difference. Are you ready to do the impossible?


January 23, 2014

A New Thing

Things might have gone roughly in the past, but the past is over and can’t touch you unless you hold on to it.

Are you ready for a new chapter in your life? In order to move forward into the new, you have to be willing to let go of the old. The things that are behind you are not nearly as important as what is out in front of you. It’s time to get ready for the “new”! You may have had some unfair things happen, things that you don’t understand. I am here to tell you, you have come too far to stop now. Instead of allowing those things to hold you back, why don’t you let go and take that step into the new? It’s time to get a new, bigger vision; it’s time to get a new, fresher outlook; it’s time to rise up with a new attitude! Instead of settling where you are, pick up and move forward. Have the attitude that says, “I may not understand it; it may not have been fair, but I am not getting stuck on this page. I know God has a new chapter for me — a chapter filled with love, forgiveness, grace and mercy! Are you ready to step into the new today?


January 22, 2014

No Limits

Your past, your mistakes, other people’s opinions of you, even your failures do not in any way limit who you are or what is possible for your life.

So many people today live in guilt and condemnation over their past mistakes and wrongdoings. They have this attitude that they are too far gone or they’ve made too many mistakes. They think that if they walk into church, the roof will cave in. If that’s you, nothing could be further from the truth! It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, it doesn’t matter where you’ve been; God’s grace is enough. Today, don’t live another minute in regret, condemnation, heaviness or despair. Your past can only limit you; it you allow it to. Get back up and be who you were created to be today. There is nothing you have done that can take away your purpose in life. You are needed and have a reason for being alive right now. Be encouraged! Be fully alive today! Are you ready to live your life to the fullest?


January 21, 2014

Endless Possibilities

Everyone has been hurt, offended, betrayed and mistreated at some point. Sometimes those wounds are small and easy to move past, but other times, they are deep and take time to heal. The important thing is that we choose to forgive so that we can open the door to God’s forgiveness and healing in our own lives. Forgiveness is such a powerful tool. Forgiveness sets you free and draws you closer to your destiny. One of the first things my dad did when he found out that he had cancer was to ask God to search her heart for any unforgiveness. He made sure that he ask for and gave forgiveness to many people in his life. Choose to forgive anyone that has hurt you. Don’t let unforgiveness keep you from living your life to the fullest. There are endless possibilities for your life. Forgiveness is a major key to opening up those possibilities. Are you opening up all your possibilities today?

January 2, 2014

Look Forward

When you look out into your future, what do you see? What are the dreams and desires that you hold close to your heart?

So many people start with bold dreams, but then opposition comes. Life doesn’t turn out the way they planned. They lose a loved one or encounter difficulty they didn’t anticipate. Today, if that’s you, I want to remind you that God designed you with specific gifts and talents that no one else has. He has you on this planet for a specific purpose. Even though some things in life may have caught you by surprise, they didn’t catch God by surprise. His good plan for your life remains. You can trust Him because He loves you with an everlasting love, and He doesn’t want to see you settling for anything less than His very best. I want to encourage you to be bold, be strong and be courageous. Put aside the past and look toward your destiny.  Are you looking forward to your destiny today?


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