Mental Conditioning with Scott Wimberly

December 24, 2012

Giving Away Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a choice. You can choose to hold it in or release the gift of forgiveness.

There is power in forgiveness and unforgiveness. When you release the gift of forgiveness you have the power of love operating in your life. When you withhold forgiveness from another person you hold the power of death inside you. Would you rather operate in love or death? Hint, choose love. You desire forgiveness right? Then give away the gift of forgiveness in order to receive it. There are people you don’t even know that you need to forgive. Someone cut you off in traffic, someone said something about one of your kids, somebody did something that cost you your job. You may not know who it was, but you are withholding forgiveness from them. What good is it doing? It isn’t hurting them, but it is killing you. You are not forgiving someone who may have hurt you, but you don’t know the whole story. You don’t know whey they did what did or said what they said. It really doesn’t matter; forgive them. Then there are those that hurt you and knew they were; yet did it anyways. What do we do with them? Another hint; forgive them. For Christmas this year, give the gift of forgiveness and see the difference it makes in your life. That’s right, forgiveness is a gift that you give to yourself. When you forgive others, it is actually given to you. Hey, they may never know you had unforgiveness towards them. It is about you in this case. By forgiving others, you receive the peace and love of the gift. Is there someone you need to forgive today?

November 25, 2012

Mistake Memory Mode

Don’t sit around and try to change your past, when you have your entire future to look forward to, be great today.

When we make mistakes in life, there are three main things that we need to do. First, ask for forgiveness. Second, receive God’s mercy. Thirdly, move forward with your life. Let it go and press ahead. So many people today are still beating themselves down over something they did five years ago. They’ve asked God to forgive them a thousand times, but can’t let it go. They go around living depressed, defeated and feeling unworthy. If that’s you, realize today the price has already been paid. The first time you asked God to forgive you, He forgave you. Now you’ve got to receive God’s mercy and press ahead. That mistake did not change who you are to God. You may have made mistakes today, but you don’t have to stay there. You have too much to live for in your future, to stay stuck in your past. Focus on the now. Focus on what you can be, not what you were. Are you stuck in mistake memory mode?

November 12, 2012

A Major Key to Life

Desire to show mercy, grace and forgiveness. Really give it away freely.

When you have messed up bad, made an insane decision, made a terrible mistake don’t you want mercy, grace and forgiveness? Then why do we withhold it from others when they do the same? I have learned that the basic key to a successful, happy, joyful life is actually very simple. Treat others the way you want to be treated. How about this; treat others even better than you expect to be treated, huh? Especially those that you don’t like! You thinking about them right now. Do something nice for them. Do it in love, showing grace and mercy, giving forgiveness. How can expect to be given these if you don’t give them away freely? Who said we had the right to pick and choose who we loved, forgave, showed mercy and grace to? We talk about karma and how they will get what’s coming to them? Karma goes both ways. You curse it when it happens to you, but praise when it happens to others. That is so wrong. That’s what makes people bitter, angry, mean, hateful and just no fun to be around. Exchange your pride, sarcasm, negativity and meanness for grace, mercy, forgiveness and love. When you aren’t carrying all that mess around with you, you will feel so much better. Those around you will be feeling better too!! Do you need to show grace, mercy and forgiveness to someone right now?

October 3, 2012

Love and Forgiveness

Love over comes hate. Forgiveness over comes bitterness. Give love. Give forgiveness.

You can never love too much. You can never forgive too much either. Sometimes when you have been hurt it may feel that way, but you can never give too much of love or forgiveness.  When you least feel like it a great time to give away love and forgiveness. The one thing that will try to stop you from freely giving is; pride. We don’t feel they deserve it or because they hurt us we will never love or forgive them again. Again, that is the time step up; love and forgive. Don’t listen to that side of you that says not do. Always go on the side of love and forgiveness. It may not be easy at first, it may be very difficult. Give it away anyways. You will never go wrong. God will honor your decision and help you do it right. When you make love and forgiveness a lifestyle it will get easier to do. It will become habit for you, it will first and second nature for you to love and forgive. There is a person right now that you are thinking about that you have said you could never love or forgive. This is the time to change all that. Make the decision today to love and forgive, not just that one person, but everyone. Leave no one out.

June 19, 2012

What You Serving Up

Compassion, mercy, forgiveness, and love are best served with a dish of hope. What are you serving up today?

For many Khan in Star Trek 2 is their hero as he said to then Admiral James T. Kirk; “Ah, Kirk, my old friend. Do you know the Klingonproverb that tells us revenge is a dish that is best served cold? … It is very cold in space.”  Many people are only looking at what they can get from you or do to you. When you are revenge minded you are only hurting yourself. If you do take your revenge out and hurt someone; then you have hurt yourself and them. Why is it so difficult to show compassion, mercy, forgiveness and love? Those that hurt you are the ones that need it the most. Hurting people; hurt people.  It’s easy to want to be get even or hurt someone; anyone can do that. However, it’s time that we stop living by our feelings and emotions. Take the road less traveled and show that you are not like most people. Show compassion, mercy, forgiveness, love and hope. Be the person that makes a difference in their life.  Do you have someone that has hurt you and you plan revenge dishes for them? How about a change of menu. Would you serve them a warm dish of compassion, mercy, forgiveness, love and hope? What would you like to be served by the ones you have hurt?

June 9, 2012

Healing in the House

There is healing in the house for you today! All you got to do is release the feelings that are making you sick.

Easier said than done you say. When you have a splinter in your foot and it hurts every step you take; don’t you take it out? Even though it hurts even more for a few minutes when you take the splinter out, the relief is more than worth it. The freedom to be able to walk without pain is for better than leaving the splinter in your foot. Okay then, it’s time to take the splinter of unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, and hatred out of your heart today. Release those feelings, release those hurts, disappointments right now. They are not hurting that other person. They do hurt you and causes others to be hurt by the way you act. Those negative emotions and feelings will cause us to hurt others because hurt people; hurt people. We are hurting the innocent bystanders because we have been hurt in the past and we are holding on those hurts. Today is the day to get the splinter out. Release those hurtful, harmful feelings. Let them go right now. Healing is here for you!

May 10, 2012

Take Off the Coat of Unforgiveness

Take off the coat of unforgiveness today. Release all the harsh feelings toward others and towards yourself.

There have been libraries of books and blogs written about forgiveness. Yet it is one of the major issues in people’s lives today.  Holding unforgiveness in your heart will not hurt anyone but you. The person you need to forgive will not be affected. You are the one that is being poisoned while waiting for the other person to drop dead. They are living their life without a care, while you are frustrated, angry, mad and stressed out because of the unforgiveness you have boiling inside you. Release it today, release the poison today. Take off the coat of unforgiveness and never pick it back up again. Experience the freedom that comes from living forgiveness free. Become a giver of forgiveness. Give it away everyday and see your physical body react positively, your mind clear up and your spirit lifted.


May 3, 2012

Letting Go

Releasing unforgiveness in the form of forgiveness will release peace in you. No more resentment, anger, or bitterness will be inside you when you chose to forgive others.

Unforgiveness does not just stay inside of us as unforgiveness. It grows, mutates and changes over time. It becomes bitterness, resentment, anger, hatred and even rage. None of these are healthy emotions. When you can’t sleep at night thinking about what has been done to you; forgive. When you think about that person and you change from happy to mad; forgive. There is no room for unforgiveness in you. Your body DNA was not designed to contain unforgiveness.  When you have forgiven you don’t bring it up again. The memory will still be there, but the pain attached to it is gone. God will honor your forgiving others. His love will permeate through you in such a way that you will not have all the negative emotions.  Remember today, the amount of forgiveness you give is the amount of forgiveness you will receive. Freely and completely forgive today. Never pick up that offense again. Let it go totally!

April 19, 2012

Better Not Bitter

Feelings have nothing to do with forgiveness. What we think has nothing to do it either. We are to forgive as Jesus has forgiven us. Instantly and completely.

Forgiveness is one of the major roadblocks in people life’s today. Unless you forgive others, you can’t be forgiven. God has told us that if we desire forgiveness; we must give forgiveness.  People say that they just can’t forgive others. Yes you can. People also say, “You don’t know what they did to me.”  No, but I know what the unforgiveness you are holding is doing to you.  Forgiveness is not for them anyways, it is all for you.  It is the gift that you actually give yourself when you give it to others. Unforgiveness will destroy you from the inside out. It will make you a bitter, mean, and unhappy person. Today is your day of giving forgiveness. Let go of all the unforgiveness that you are holding. You will feel so much better when you are bitter.

February 15, 2012


Many people have had relationships that for one reason or another ended.  It may have been the only solution, but there are others that wasn’t the case.

Is there someone that you have cut out of your life that you need to go and make things right with today.  Could be a parent, a child, a friend or even your spouse.  There is someone you just thought about. Go to that person and make it right. You may not can do this in person, but find a way to reconcile and restore the relationship today.  Even if they don’t accept your attempt; you know that you tried .  There is nothing more you can do than try to make it right.  Feel the peace, the joy, the refreshed feeling that comes from reconciling and restoring that relationship.  You will be so glad you did. 

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